Not losing weight?

hi I've been using Mfp for 5 months now and haven't lost weight, I'm 110 lbs and been eating around 1500-1000 calories a day, should I decrease my calorific intake further??


  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    How much water do you drink, how much do you workout?? what are you eating?
  • FierceFox81
    FierceFox81 Posts: 89
    I know it's frustrating when the numbers on the scale don't budge...but what about your measurements? Is your body changing at all? I know that for me the scale will hover around 5lbs while my measurements go down...then the scale will change some..then the measurements. I like to go by the numbers on my tape measure more then the scale :) Good luck and don't give up!
  • krisvtx8777
    krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
    Your 110 pounds trying to lose 22 pounds?
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Are you quite short, as a 6 stone target isn't very heavy!
  • becca3265
    becca3265 Posts: 5 Member
    Probably about 3-4 glasses of water a day, exercise for 30mins a day, don't eat very healthily mainly pasta and breads not much fruit or veg either but I don't eat a lot, not sure if this could be affecting weight loss
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    What is your goal?? 110 is already super low!
  • KimH03
    KimH03 Posts: 3

    I see you're hoping to lose 22 lbs... That would put you at 88 lbs. final weight as an 18 year old... Is that a safe weight loss goal for you? Maybe your body isn't designed to weigh 88 lbs?
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    How tall are you?
  • Feger
    Feger Posts: 3

    This link helped me brainstorm when I felt like I was stuck;)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    How tall are you? You aren't going to lose weight if you are already underweight.
  • tckelly
    tckelly Posts: 6 Member
    Your 110 pounds trying to lose 22 pounds?

    That's exactly what I was thinking
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Unless you are very very short you don't need to lose any weight.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    You should

    1) open up your diarys so folks can see them and give advice
    2) really work on eating healthy vs not eating a lot (your body could be sabatoging you)
    3) be realistic on you your target weight. Is it correct for your age and height etc. (use the tools/calculators)

    Good luck.
  • becca3265
    becca3265 Posts: 5 Member
    No body measurements aren't changing at all, my body doesnt seem to want to lose anything, don't want to loser 22 lbs my target must be wrong 10lbs at the most
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Hey there
    Did you say you weigh 110 lbs? I don't know your frame, height and dress size, but to me, it sounds like you are already where you should be with your weight. If you have noticed "fat" in certain areas, since you are already at a low weight you should consider lifting, crunches, lunges, etc. Up your protein intake as well.
  • krisvtx8777
    krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
    Your 110 pounds trying to lose 22 pounds?

    That's exactly what I was thinking

    Exactly. Not thinking that's a very safe goal to have. I always say to myself, who am I to say how much someone should weigh...I normally would say whatever they feel best at. But really, my almost 10 year old weighs 89 pounds...sooo...
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    But that still puts you at 7 stone - maybe you are already at your correct weight
  • kcalli0429
    kcalli0429 Posts: 27 Member
    Okay these people are sugar coating it, Girl you need help. 110lbs is already skinny unless you are about 4' tall. I believe you have a warped perception of your self and probably need to seek the help of a counselor. Does your momma know your on here and trying to lose weight?
  • becca3265
    becca3265 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5,5 but only want to lose 10 lbs just not sure why my weights stuck on a plateau
  • Angiebug1969
    Angiebug1969 Posts: 152
    I'm 5,5 but only want to lose 10 lbs just not sure why my weights stuck on a plateau

    At 5' 5" you are clinically "under weight" at 18.3 BMI... your weight SHOULD be stuck on a plateau! DO NOT continue dieting without consulting a physician!!