Hello Everyone!

I'm the new kid on the block!(actually grandma) First time user of fitness pal as well as the community and would like to say I am looking forward to navigating my way around and would welcome hearing any words of encouragement and tips from all you pros , young, and young at heart. What is your story? What's your motivation?What is your biggest challenge ,for you?Any advice for me....?


  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Maybe you would like to drop me a line about yourself and we could support each other. Good luck on your journey
  • les1babygirl
    les1babygirl Posts: 2 Member
    Hello..... I have been using this app for about 2week now. What has been helping me is the fact that I take the time to log in my intake and excerise on a daily basis. I even enjoy reading the blogs on here. I know everyone one will be focus and successful. :)
  • scottiesgirl1
    scottiesgirl1 Posts: 7 Member
    So, thank you for your comments, I appreciate them. I am trying to respond to both comments and don't know if I am doing this right. Not really sure how to "gain friends" or "reply/comment" to an individual. I am computer illiterate. I don't even have, hold your ears, a facebook account! I know, right!So I do need help. Anyway, a little about me: I am married and I am a new grandma But I don't want to look like one. (grandbabies ages 2 1/2years and 2months that I absolutely am in love with.) My brain still thinks like I'm 30 but apparently my body didn't get the memo. I struggle everyday to exercise because I live with degenerative disc disease and other health issues, and "diet" is an ugly four letter word( so I prefer a lifestyle change). I have been using the food and exercise diary for 4 days now and it really does help to actually write down what I am eating. Somehow when you lay it out before you it becomes real and I have never done that before. I love this app and I like reading other stories about the success and struggles that others are dealing with. It encourages me !
  • firewalkerbarb
    firewalkerbarb Posts: 16 Member
    Hello Scottiesgirl1- I am a grandma myself. I lost weight this time last year but starting with the Halloween candy, began to gain it back. I have osteoporosis and have had previous fractures of my shoulder and knees, so I have to exercise very gently. My daughter and 11yo granddaughter moved in and the child doesn't appreciate my attempts at healthy cooking. She says she is "chickened out". I really want to lose 10 lbs in the next 2 months for the beach. I am very short so this is a challenge.