DRINKING water only- thoughts, results, recommendations

Hi everyone! I would like to lose about 35-40 pounds. I gained weight fairly quickly and have been trying to get it off for some time. Recently I had knee surgery that threw another monkey wrench into my plans. Now I am at my wits end. It seems that not only my leg but my entire body has atrophied and I’m determined to begin making healthier choices.

Anyway, here I am. I decided to do a DRINK water only diet, not to be confused with a water only diet. I am just replacing all liquids with water and attempting a healthier diet using the myfitnesspal tool. Not only am I only drinking water but my goal is to drink the “recommended amount” of water each day which oddly enough, is challenging. I started on June 1st and am only on day 2. So far, the only thing I have noticed is that I pee A LOT and have slept like a baby the past 2 nights. Has anyone ever attempted anything similar? What were the results?

I will add that I live in the city and drink on the weekends. SO many calories consumed by alcohol which is one of the main reasons why I wanted to do this. I feel like it is going to be challenging since so many social activities are surrounded by “grabbing a drink.” Especially this time of year. Let me know thoughts/recommendations/opinions. I’d love to hear anything anyone can add. :smile:


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    When I started dieting I started drinking only water because I didn't want to drink my calories. 3 years later I still pretty much drink only water. I didn't have a problem with asking for water when going out for drinks since I never drunk alcohol anyway so I was used to the weird looks lol. I occasionally will have a Diet Coke or orange juice if I feel like it, but this really is very occasionally. I also go to the toilet a lot, at least once an hour (while at work at least, which is when I drink the most water).

    I can't say I've noticed many other differences, other than spending less money on orange juice.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Thanks for clarifying this isn't about only consuming water instead of food.

    I drink water mostly, sometimes a glass of milk. When I went off soda pop, water was the only thing I could drink that was free and I could drink as much as I wanted without (much) consequence. I guess I pee a lot. I'm used to it so it doesn't seem like I'm peeing all that often. I have no advice about the booze because I'm not much of a drinker.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I see no problem with drinking water as your only liquids. I flavor mine with a de-caf tea bag, sometimes ginger, sometimes passion.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    Lucky for me that I don't drink alcohol so that wasn't a problem for me. I swapped juice for water and I love it. I crave water now and it's good. Yeah, you pee a lot more, but your body will adapt slowly. I'd say if you're used to only say 5 cups a day, increase slowly. I wouldn't suggest going all out 8+ cups. It's hard to keep that up. I found adding in an extra cup slowly over time worked best for me. I'm up to usually 12-14 cups a day now easy. Good luck.
  • ylvak94
    ylvak94 Posts: 32 Member
    I drink mostly water and tea, the occasional soda and milk, and my skin has cleared up a lot. I feel hydrated and I get less cravings when I drink 8-15 cups of water a day and I have more energy.
  • cmoorofum
    cmoorofum Posts: 187 Member
    I have been drinking water only for a long time now..well except my 8.0 redbull in the morning. It really works lost alot of weight just by stopping sodas. Now if I can only stop the redbull :(
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I haven't done it and probably couldn't as I don't like plain water very much. Plus...beer.

    Drinking water definitely can't hurt, but not sure what it will help either. Just make sure you stay hydrated.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    If that's what works for you, go for it. The only things I drink nowadays are water and diet soda (which I try to limit to a can a day).
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I'd rather eat my calories than drink them, so aside from my morning coffee (which is *not* negotiable!) I only drink water during the rest of the day. I'm surprised how quickly I got used to it. I did have to take a calcium supplement, though, since I'm older and used to drink a lot of milk. :)
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    Most of my life I've been drinking only water (except occassionally coffee, which I now drink black, and the odd glass of wine at an event, but pretty rate these days). Since I've always been a mostly-water drinker, I can't compare to anything else, so it's never done anything for my weight. But I assume if you were drinking a lot of calories, and now cutting those out and are SURE you aren't replacing them with something else, then yes you'll lose weight.

    At once point I was drinking my weight in ounces of water. Not on purpose. I'm just a really thirsty person all the time. I end up peeing about every hour.
  • alantaylor1985
    alantaylor1985 Posts: 14 Member
    I drink mainly water, but I also drink a little green tea once or twice a day. Some sugar free cordial if i'm craving a sweet drink which is maybe once a week or so.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I drink water or unsweetened tea usually. It saves calories for food, saves money and I prefer it. I've been drinking mostly water or tea for years so I don't notice any differences.
    I have a pitcher of water I keep in the refrigerator at home as I like my water cold. I usually have to refill it at least once a day.
    I don't bother with how much water I drink. I drink water with every meal and whenever I am thirsty. I seem to be decently hydrated.
    For hot tea, I like peppermint or cinnamon apple spice.
  • LolaKarwowski
    LolaKarwowski Posts: 217 Member
    edited June 2015
    I only drink water now. It's very easy to get rid of other drinks as I hate alcohol, beer, coffee, cokes, etc. The only thing I really loved was sweet tea but once I realized how much sugar each sweet tea drink had I never thought about them again.
  • athlete03
    athlete03 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't drink alcohol and while I liked soda, it wasn't difficult cutting it out of my diet. If you work out on a regular basis, drinking enough water is fairly easy as the loss of water and exhaustion makes your body crave it. To make sure I'm getting enough in, it helps to always carry a water bottle on the go and keep refilling it. If you're peeing too often, you can cut it back slightly because you only need enough to stay hydrated. Just listen to your body and not the "recommended amount" which is different for everyone.

    Honestly, cutting anything out of your diet often leads to cravings and inability to stick with it for the long term. If you enjoy milk, drink milk (Almond Milk is a good substitute that is lower in calories). For alcohol, you don't need to cut it out if you don't want, just limit it. Going out? No more than 1 drink is an example.

    Good luck!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    you can grab a drink, it will just be water :smile:

    I'm a no water sorta girl so I commend you on this effort to drink the recommended amount of water in the form of water.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    edited June 2015
    Coffee in the morning, 2-3 gallons of water per day, and then an adult beverage at night has worked great for me

  • abigail659
    abigail659 Posts: 63 Member
    I do the water only thing... it's been a couple of months now. Initially, I had to refuse and fight everything (morning coffee and soda's at dinner), but eventually it became a habit. Now, if I attempt to drink anything other than water, I think it taste gross and feel sick. I do drink milk every now and then, but no juice, coffee, sodas or tea. (Although, recently when craving a soda, I drink one sip and I am surprised at how much self control I have to just drink a sip or two and not the whole can).
    Yes, you will have to go to the restroom alot initially, but I feel like after a while you bladdar adjusts a little bit. This sounds gross, but for me it's a sense of accomplishment when I have clear fluid leaving my body.... so much better than what comes out when your liquid diet is full of junk.
    Good Luck!
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) is the liquid you need. It can be consumed in lieu of all other liquids.