Goooaalll ! And it started with an app...before and after pics that show that CICO really works



  • kraft_kris
    kraft_kris Posts: 157 Member
    Congrats! You look uh-MAZ-ing.

    LOL'd at this:
    LyndaLee68 wrote: »
    Hey, we went out to dinner with friends and I didn't have to order the obvious "i'm trying to loose weight, so I'll just have the salad.... (now give me the obligatory "good for you" speech, while I sulk and suffer while you have what I really wanted to order).

  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    You look so incredible and happy! Congrats!
  • Seatown_Gal
    Seatown_Gal Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for sharing and congratulations!
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    Fantastic! Thanks for sharing your story, it is very inspiring.
  • Dorychumb
    Dorychumb Posts: 4 Member
    They should use your story as a commercial! Congrats!
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    Great work!
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Great post and awesome results.
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Blinking brilliant lass!
  • taraleen
    taraleen Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you for the inspiration! Your story makes me want to keep going! You look amazing!
  • LyndaLee68
    LyndaLee68 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you everyone for the kind comments. I have a feeling that plateuing and maintaining are going to be just as much a challenge to do. Had to set lots of mini-goals and short-term goals along the way...and wore out walking shoes and headphones. :) Still very weird running into people I haven't seen in a year and having them freak out. It's all good, and will take some getting used to. Feeling very encouraged and blessed.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
  • Fabu_lass
    Fabu_lass Posts: 122 Member
    you rocked it, very inspirational, thank you for sharing your story
  • jennlaw89
    jennlaw89 Posts: 160 Member
    AWESOME job girl!!
  • kspoon5
    kspoon5 Posts: 239 Member
    Great story and success! So proud for you!!!
  • danawaller12
    danawaller12 Posts: 15 Member
    LyndaLee68 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for the kind comments. I have a feeling that plateuing and maintaining are going to be just as much a challenge to do. Had to set lots of mini-goals and short-term goals along the way...and wore out walking shoes and headphones. :) Still very weird running into people I haven't seen in a year and having them freak out. It's all good, and will take some getting used to. Feeling very encouraged and blessed.

  • danawaller12
    danawaller12 Posts: 15 Member
    U are an inspiration !! Really enjoyed the pics and ur post!! I hope I can be successful like u --next spring maybe I will hit my goal!! Thanks so much for sharing!
  • kristyflud
    kristyflud Posts: 1 Member
    Wow, just what I needed!!! :) Thank you so much for sharing. Love how simple you made it and that's what I'm looking for.
  • lami77
    lami77 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for sharing. Great power of will. Almost similar beginning for me, since I also discovered the app thru and, I gave it a try. I always need a goal to achieve, and the CICO app gave me the ability to measure it and track my journey. I started using it about 150 days ago. I lost total 40 lb so far. I'm at 196 lb now. My ultimate goal is to shred 30 more lb, and then keep my weight stable afterword. I also started exercising about 2 months ago. It feels good.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    LyndaLee68 wrote: »
    On July 5th, 2014, a friend shared her weight loss victory on Facebook. Being that I'd never attempted any diet or fitness plan in my life (my thought being "I'm not going to start something I know I won't succeed at, I can't eat low calorie bad tasting food forever, and I'm going to eat socially and not feel awkward or resentful."), I was almost afraid to ask why she was successful this time, when the other times over the years she had yo-yo'd and been unhappy. Wanting to keep my thought of actually doing something to change where I was, I inboxed her with the question, "what's been working for you, how has it worked all year long, and why do you sound so positive and happy this time?". While I waited to hear back, I told myself that "if she says weight watchers I'm out, if she says shakes and bars I'm out, if she says surgery I'm out, if she says prepackaged diet means I'm out". Her response; "I use MyFitnessPal... it's just calories in, calories out". Huh? That's it??? What?? Where's the catch? I waited for the rest, but nothing else came up from her... then a link to the app. UGH ! Come on! There's got to be more to it, right?? We talked/typed a little more, and she made it sound so doable. So possible.
    So, on July 6th I decided to give it a go. My second and last child would be leaving for college in 3 weeks (and being a scholar athlete she was given a regiment to be working out all summer), and I knew that my calendar, my job as a parent, my freetime, and my focus would be changing. I knew that my husband would most likely be crying into his beer and food (he's a tenderhearted dad that totally lost it when our son left for college -- I could only imagine what would happen when his baby girl left), while I would be doing my usual fast-food runs when I needed to get out of the house, and not have to cook for anyone anymore... just feed myself my favorite comfort foods. The timing seemed perfect.... it was now or never.
    A week later I was down 3 pounds. Hmmm.. this thing may actually work. 2 weeks more and more pounds. Hey... I still get to eat at In N Out Burger! Hey, if I walk 3 miles this morning I can have an Original Tommy's chili burger with my kids and still succeed ! Hey, we went out to dinner with friends and I didn't have to order the obvious "i'm trying to loose weight, so I'll just have the salad.... (now give me the obligatory "good for you" speech, while I sulk and suffer while you have what I really wanted to order).
    Now, after about 43 weeks of balanced eating, walking (then up to jogging, then doing a mud run!), introducing myself to the gym, and consciensely thinking about what, where, and how I'm eating, I have reached my goal weight. And the best part is... IT WASN'T HORRIBLE ! It was actually not as bad as I thought it would be.
    When I look at the charts and graphs, I'm reminded that I could be content with maintaining weight during the holidays, and had lost weight when I was keeping to my routine week or month, and exercised regularly.
    I am pleased with myself.. and my kids are proud of me, which is the greatest feeling ever. I now carry enough info in my brain to know what I should eat less of (which calories are worth my time and cravings, and which I am unwilling to use), and to figure out how many steps I've taken in a day, and that if I go over by 300 calories 2 or 3 times during the week, I know what to expect to see on the scale and not be shocked. I have maintained my goal weight for 3 weeks now.. and I know what I need to do if I want to see changes.
    And it all started with a friend and an App
    47 years old - 5'7
    Starting weight 258 - Goal weight 175 - Total pounds lost 83


    This is one of THE BEST success stories I've ever read OR seen in all of my 3+ years of being on Mfp. You look absolutely, positively tremendous--just gorgeous and you also now look like a 30 something year old too.
    W <3 ROCK, period.

  • jules6669mfp
    jules6669mfp Posts: 446 Member
    Your story is so downright honest. Very inspiring too. You look wonderful and must be so proud of yourself. I agree, having your adult kids proud of you is the BEST!!! Congratulations, you've earned it!!
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