Major Tip for those in a Plateau!



  • Thanasi99
    Thanasi99 Posts: 40 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Thanasi99 wrote: »
    If you feel like you ARE eating enough but you are still in a Plateau, you need to shock your body. At this point it has become used to your routine, so start changing your exercise routine and vary up your diet a little bit to keep your body on its toes.

    Good lord. This sort of statement is the kind of thing that belongs on one of those "Miracle Weight Loss!!!" ads. You've provided zero data. You've made broadly generalized statements based on misinformation (drinking water doesn't create "water weight"). Three weeks is not "several weeks", nor is it a plateau.

    You've jumped to conclusions conjured out of thin air and supposition. Editing to note that you also don't understand what a correlation is. Posting stuff like this isn't helpful to anyone =/

    Oh well. If nothing else I can thank the good information I have gotten through MFP for helping me see the absurdity of statements like "you need to shock your body".

    I did note that it wasn't a true Plateau by saying "mini-plateau" of sorts. Additionally, it was noted that this is just something that I have observed to have worked for me on a regular basis.

    There is a definitive correlation here, especially when it has been observed to be the one varied factor, thus implying possible causation.

    Take it with a grain of salt, I suppose, but it's been working for me thus far. It's not like I'm trying to sell anything or advocate for one of those "fad diets."