First Timer

Name_Me_Whatever Posts: 15 Member
edited June 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! My name is Brandi! Have been skinny all my life.I've never had to diet or exercise. I have gained 60 pounds in the last year. It is so much easier to gain the weight then to lose it. I feel like I'm grounded on punishment. I am going to be juicing, eating healthy, and exercising. I'm really hoping to accomplish my goal of getting healthy. I cannot stand to look in the mirror anymore and none of my clothes fit. I wear the same pants everyday. I just want to be happy. If anybody has any suggestions or are great motivators please add me, I need all the help I can get.


  • Kelven2330
    Kelven2330 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey Brandi Welcome and good luck to you!
  • Name_Me_Whatever
    Name_Me_Whatever Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you! I have so much more I can say but not enough room or time! I climbed Pikes Peak last summer and would love to do it again! As of now I can barley climb a couple flights of stairs. I know my bad habits finally caught up to me so now I need to make new ones. No more pity party!!
  • SSalimJ
    SSalimJ Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome Brandi..would love to add u :)