328 pounds....How!?!?

Hi, I'm Lizz. I have been overweight my whole life. Due to genetics and bad eating habits, I've ballooned to 328. I'm only 24 years old and I fear for my life. I shouldn't get winded walking up a flight of steps, or have my heart beating out of control because I had to bend down to pick something up off the floor.

I am seeing a doctor about blood pressure. I shouldn't be seeing a doctor about blood pressure at 24!! I am motivating myself. I have never seen my scale say anything under 200, so I would like to get to 199. Obviously I will have other goals, but I don't want to overextend myself. Just seeing 199 would mean the world to me.

Also, my best friend is having her wedding in 430 days and I am the fattest guest there by a good 75 pounds. Not that it matters to her, but it matters to me.

I can't fit on roller coasters anymore. And I love roller coasters. I can't fit on any ride, for that matter.

I'm fat, unhappy, and digging my own grave. And I'm going to put my foot down right here and now - no more unhappy Lizz!


  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good for you Lizz. Start studying nutrition and find out how to eat the right way. If you can get to a pool it will make exercising easier until you can get some of that weight off your joints. Good luck!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Well done for deciding enough is enough, you CAN do this. Set your self realistic goals of 1lb a week and weigh and log everything you eat.

    Then just start to walk. Even just to the end of your road, then the next day go a few steps further. You will find that you stop getting out of breath going up stairs after a while. Good luck with it :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I agree with gothicfires. Make small changes, don't get discouraged, stay focused, and surround yourself with people that will support you.

    Good luck! I look forward to hearing your progress.
  • c41510
    c41510 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi lizz i think its great that you are motivated and i could relate to you in a way i know its hard to face your weight but that's the start of it just keep your goal but also remember sometimes its hard to make the numbers go down. Dont think of it just on focusing on what the scale shows also see whats happening with your clothes you'll notice more of a difference there.just try to eat healthy more green exercise i believe you could do it. Good luck
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi Liz! Hope you find the app to be helpful. I have!

    I'm down 80 lbs from my original highest weight, so it can be done! It's interesting that you mention rollercoasters - one of my wakeup calls was not being able to fit into the harness of a ride at Six Flags.

    Like some others have said, small changes and consistency is key. Focus more on calorie deficit than exercise at first, especially if you have difficulty with exercise. Weight loss is about 80% eating right and 20% moving. (Exercise is great though, and will really help you get healthier, but so many people start thinking they have to run 5k a day to lose and end up getting discouraged.)

    Most importantly, if you slip, it's okay! Just get right back into it! The biggest mistake I've made is thinking "I screwed up Friday night, so the whole weekend is shot. I might as well have fun and then get back to it on Monday." But that's never how it works.

    There's a thread stickied on this forum about weight loss and how it's not linear. It's really encouraging for those moments when you're not seeing the scale go down and think about giving up. I'd suggest you look that up. It gave me a bit of a boost on a hard week - and there will be a few of those.

    Edit: Aaaaand, they removed it from the stickied section, so here's the link: It is Unlikely that You Will Lose Weight Consistently ie Weight Loss is Not Linear
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You are of a weight that is seriously impacting your health, so your doctor should be able to refer you to resources like a dietitian. Can you get yourself a home blood pressure machine? Do you have a food scale? Knowledge is power.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Could you get referred to this program? I found it very helpful.

  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    lizz honey i know is hard but please breath in and breath out, you can actually do this!! go please and do a little search in the success stories section and see how many people with patient and discipline and most of all taking it a day at a time have done it, even much heavier than your start weight! when i first started i was not so far from you at 300 lbs and that wasn't so long ago (late october) and now i"m 233 lbs, you are young and have plenty of time to get your life back.

    good luck.

    DBSPARKLES Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lizz! One day at a time! I have lost 100 pounds. I weighed 250 when I started and I am very short. The thing that works best for me is to weigh and measure my food and track what I eat. Other than a cup of coffee in the morning I try to drink only water until I have met my water goal. When I stumble and have started to gain I turn it around and get back on track! Keep positive. Don't think things like "oh, I only lost a pound or a half pound." Because all of those small amounts will add up to a significant weight loss! Do self talk. Walking down the supermarket aisle when I have reached for a "bad choice" I literally say aloud "no, I don't need that!" you can do this!
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Hi Lizz. You are here on MFP. You will get lots of good advice here. People are great and very knowledgeable. Start logging everything. It's amazing how it adds up. Stay in a calorie deficit. This really does work. Good luck and welcome!
  • PinkyLilac
    PinkyLilac Posts: 52 Member

    I'm 34 and around roughly give or take few pounds around same weight as you, this my 3rd attempt on this app (I've lost chunks then all goes downhill) so it's kill or cure.

    My weight effecting my job and my social life.None my clothes fit and when do buy clothes they're the size of a tent!I have a sweating condition which on meds for but all this extra weight making the problem a lot lot worse.Suffer from severe heat rash too where my trousers rub when I walk from A to B or round work.

    Later this month is my mum and step dads birthday party and anniversary.Both sides family be there and don't want arrive looking like a wale!!!Want to be 14lbs lighter min for that, then need to loose more for my 2.5 mile walk mid July to raise money for cancer research UK.

    Anyway I'll stop rambling on.Feel free to add me lovely, we can support each other through our journeys.

    Big hugs,

    Amelia xx
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi Lizz!
    I've been exactly where you are and know what you're feeling and going through. I know it seems overwhelming, but you can totally do this. Take it one day/choice at a time and remember you're in it for the long haul. You'll struggle, but just get up and continue the journey. You really do have the power to change your life. Please take my advice and do it while you're young. Life is precious. Don't waste it being unhealthy or unhappy.
    Good Luck!
  • Katiekate64
    Katiekate64 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Lizz, welcome, I just got started recently too. Nice to meet you.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    First of all, good job getting started by signing up here and wanting to make a change!

    There's tons of advice and information available to you on this website. Make friends. Get advice. Have support. And go, go, go!
  • RebeccaD22
    RebeccaD22 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Lizz! I am young and overweight as well! Let's be friends...

    Stay strong, motivated, and above all always love yourself enough to, well, love yourself! You are doing the first step right now! you are here, ready and willing. Don't stop now, girlfriend! MFP and I are here for you, 100%!

    Personally, I love a good strong walk! It's what I do and so far it is working really well! I also eat SO much more healthy than I used to. I have reduced my caloric intake by about 500. I too, have a wedding coming up in November for my cousin who is a year younger than I am...she can't get married before me AND look better than me! ;)

    good Luck, Lizz! You can do it!!!
  • kscarf1
    kscarf1 Posts: 33 Member
    Lizz, I'm trying to lose 100 pounds for health reasons. Going up a flight of stairs leaves me panting so I understand where you're coming from. It can seem overwhelming at first, but if you just chip away at it a little bit every day, over time you will see results. It seems like I just started trying to get healthy and I'm down almost 20 pounds already. Time flies, especially when you are motivated to make changes in your life. Best of luck to you!
  • robrod_50
    robrod_50 Posts: 3 Member
    e_weekley wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Lizz. I have been overweight my whole life. Due to genetics and bad eating habits, I've ballooned to 328. I'm only 24 years old and I fear for my life. I shouldn't get winded walking up a flight of steps, or have my heart beating out of control because I had to bend down to pick something up off the floor.

    I am seeing a doctor about blood pressure. I shouldn't be seeing a doctor about blood pressure at 24!! I am motivating myself. I have never seen my scale say anything under 200, so I would like to get to 199. Obviously I will have other goals, but I don't want to overextend myself. Just seeing 199 would mean the world to me.

    Also, my best friend is having her wedding in 430 days and I am the fattest guest there by a good 75 pounds. Not that it matters to her, but it matters to me.

    I can't fit on roller coasters anymore. And I love roller coasters. I can't fit on any ride, for that matter.

    I'm fat, unhappy, and digging my own grave. And I'm going to put my foot down right here and now - no more unhappy Lizz!

    Good luck lizz I just started also so I'm right there with you. Keep in touch. I hope to see you at your weight or better
  • crzycylr
    crzycylr Posts: 78 Member
    Lizz......it's time. You are in the perfect place to start this process. Don't be scared, just start. We all are here to support each other and make it happen. I started eating more lean protein and it changed my eating patterns, I wasn't as hungry. Sometimes it's the simple things. I live by a quote of the week that I repeat to myself and all my buddies, it's a bit hokey, but it helps me. This week seems to fit for you. She believed that she would, so she did. Take care of yourself, you deserve it. :)
  • e_weekley
    e_weekley Posts: 2 Member
    I just want to say thank you for all your kind replies. I have dieted on and off for years - I know HOW to eat healthy, the problem is actually doing it. I am starting slow, but I am not giving up this time!
  • shivasgirl
    shivasgirl Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Lizz.... I was 379 when I bit the bullet and got a lap band. I lost 100 pounds the first year, then lost my insurance and couldnt get fills anymore. Now I am here and am down to 252...you can do it with this site and exercise. I highly recommend water aerobics. You dont even feel like you are exercising and the results are amazing. Good luck to you!