Mom in need of new workout ideas I can do w/ my toddler

My husbands work schedule is eratic & I have a 2 yr old little girl w/ no family nearby to watch her so I need to take her w/ me when I exercise. Any helpful tips or suggestions on activities I can do w/ her & get a workout at the same time? So far I bicycle w/ her on the backseat, walk fast pushing the stroller. I do stretching & situps when shes sleeping otherwise she jumps on top of me & I never complete my reps :)


  • ahappyapple
    ahappyapple Posts: 128 Member
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Maybe invest in a jogging stroller? Also, there are some gyms that have daycare..see if they have one in your area.
  • tikamacphee
    tikamacphee Posts: 29
    Well, i know its probably sad but I bought games for the wii that my 3yo can join in with as well! She loves Just Dance at the moment. Some gyms offer mummy and me dancing classes, child friendly zumba is a hit here too. An energetic game of hide and seek has been known to knock my daughter out for the count
  • dedpetal
    dedpetal Posts: 6 Member
    You've got the right idea for sure. I do not belong to a gym, but I've heard that some offer daycare while you workout, maybe that is an option?
  • bassettmama
    bassettmama Posts: 13 Member
    I have a 2-year-old as well and honestly, I pluck her in front of the TV or my computer with a movie in and do the 30-Day Shred. It's only 20 minutes so I can usually get through it without too much whining on her part. We jog in the summer as well with a jogging stroller and walk or bike, like you mentioned.
  • funkythreads2004
    funkythreads2004 Posts: 51 Member
    I think your doing loads already and getting to spend time with your little girl. Well done ;-)
  • vabheegaard
    vabheegaard Posts: 61
    Do you have a YMCA nearby? I have a wonderful one near me with a great child care center! My 3 year old loves staying and playing and at the same time I get my hour to myself.
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    Do you have the Wii Fit or EA Active? My 3 yr old LOVES to do these with me. She also likes to do my Leslie Sansone walking DVD'S with me.Can you take her swimming at the local Y? How about pulling her in a wagon? I have the same problem with my daughter and I've learned there is a lot I can do still:)
  • peytons_mommy82
    peytons_mommy82 Posts: 28 Member
    I have a two year old as well and totally get how hard it can be!! I do the same, walking with the stroller. Also, during naps or after she goes to bed I will do workout videos (that I have or that I find On Demand). I also have a treadmill and I use that after she goes to bed some nights. I have a Zumba DVD and my daughter likes to do that one with me, it's totally adorable. But it's hard to get thru the whole thing without her wanting me to pick her up to dance. :P Good luck, I understand how hard they can make it but they sure are fun at this age! :)
  • manenuff21
    manenuff21 Posts: 63
    Plyometrics are fun for kids, check out some plyometric workouts on youtube
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    I have 2 small children and wake up at 5 am to exercise alone. Takes a few days to get used to but much easier than being jumped on....
  • Schuky01
    Schuky01 Posts: 33 Member
    I tend to do a lot of workout videos after my son goes to sleep, around 7:30. The best part is you can usually rent them from the library so you don't have to go out and buy them.
  • lizzytish2002
    lizzytish2002 Posts: 5 Member
    If you have a video game console you could buy the Zumba game my kids LOVE that as much as I do. Zumba also has a kids dvd set you guys could do together called Zumbatomic she's not gonna get it all but it would be fun for her! Even better check if there are any zumba mommy and me classes in your area.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    My daughter will be 2 in July. For the most part when I'm working out I either try to have her do it with me or give her toys/books and let her occupy herself. (never works cause she wants to be with me) but she seems to find it hilarious to watch me workout
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    I've got an almost-three. While he's awake, I take him for walks in the jogging stroller. When he's asleep, I do 30 Day Shred, c25k, and weight lifting. Obviously not at the same times. ^_^ I figure as it gets nicer, I can do Couch to 5K with him awake and in the stroller, then do 30DS in the morning while he's sleeping, and weights after he goes to bed at night. Just being an involved SAHM is a lot of work, so you're already well on your way!!
  • angijunbug
    angijunbug Posts: 205
    Do you have a Stroller Strides nearby? That would be fun for you & your child. It's so hard with toddlers! Mine is 3 & I know exactly what you mean! My hubby works at night & sleeps all day so, I get ya! I ride my exercise bike when the kids are in bed at night for about 20-30 minutes because it doesn't make any noise. I watch some tv while I ride or I listen to my music on my ipod shuffle. Just going for walks during good weather is great too!
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    hpygirl64ColleenLinder Posts: 146 Member
    My two year old I am sure will grow up thinking exercise is a normal part of the day because he watches me while he plays when I do my p90x, insanity, chalean extreme, rev abs, etc. or whatever program I am doing from my living room. It takes no gas to get there, no daycare germs, and I get it done quicker and with better results then I have ever gotten at the gym.

    Everyone please feel free to add me as a friend or if you have facebook I have a great acccountability group for anyone that is doing the programs listed above. Hugs and Health everyone! Colleen
  • MrsVagus
    MrsVagus Posts: 82
    I have a 2 year old also- we did stroller strides for awhile, but I thought it was too expensive... we go to a jazzercise center that has free childcare and also go hiking once a week in a toddler group but it's not as much exercise for me as it is fun for her.
    The wii games are fun for my daughter and I to do together. We do the wii dance a lot and she gets to hold one controller and wave it around :) Good ideas here- I think I would like to get a yoga/stretching dvd to do before bed.
  • tasiac23
    tasiac23 Posts: 48 Member
    I've got a 19 month old and I always sat that I am gunna wake up before she does in the morning so I can get through my workout peacefully lol.....doesn't happen. Soooo, I usually do my workout while she is eating her breakfast in her high chair. The Fresh Beat Band comes on at 8 am so I put her in her seat and facing the tv and let her eat while I work out lol. I also do the 30 day shred since it's fast and effective!!
  • ktspac
    ktspac Posts: 32
    i workout while he naps on my days off, the three days I work, I either get up way early or I work out after he is asleep.

    my 5 yr old works out with me - she either plays while I run on treadmill or she will do my nike training club exercises with me.

    only thing i have found to work with a 2 yr old little boy who is into and on everything