gained alot of weight in 2 days!

nopo2491 Posts: 14 Member
edited June 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Sup guys so right now i feel real unmotivated last friday i weighed in at 274! Which is good cuz im about 100lbs lost!!! But sunday and monday i took off from dieting and had some bbq and steaks that our family made (graduation party) anyway i took sun and monday off frm dieting but still hit da gym, so today i weighed myself again just to c if my"cheat days" had any impact and found that i went up to 292!!!!! How da heck did i go up so much i didnt even eat dat much its not like o stuffed myself could it be cuz i drank approx 3 sodas, the steaks were not even dat big i did eat many hot dogs but almost 20 lbs worth? Idk but im feeling really bad now cuz now its guna take me months to burn all that down again! Anyone else had same problem???


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    It won't take months. The majority of that is going to be water weight (for reference: you'd have to eat 3500 calories over TDEE to gain just one pound of fat) and that should drop off quickly. Weight fluctuates all the time, and you must have consumed quite a bit of sodium for that much of a shift.
  • artlover47
    artlover47 Posts: 76 Member
    That does seem crazy for it to be so much higher! I'd give it a few days to settle back down before you can really tell how much you're up. And I agree with the must be partially water retention.