I am stuck!

I am not trying to lose much... only about 1 lb a month to get into my goal weight range, which is about 5 lbs away. But I have been stuck in the same 2-3 lb range for a few months now. I have two small children, ages 1 & 4, so it's hard to find time to work out. It is just frustrating!


  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    There are lots of great 20 minute workout DVDs you could try. Or maybe something as simple as adjusting your calories would help. The less you have to lose, the harder it is, though, so don't give up! Good luck!
  • mamapandal
    mamapandal Posts: 3 Member
    Try changing up your work out routine. If you have a double stroller, take your kids with you for a walk or jog. Watching your calories could help also like the reply below says. I do at home Hip Hop Abs a couple of days, jog and walk up and down our steep driveway on others, and go to a Zumba class once a week. I also watch my calories. So far it has worked for me. I wanted to loose 15 lbs. I am now at my 12 lbs. mark. So we will see about those last pounds. Good luck!!!