Calling all Paleo'ers!!

MamaOfThree88 Posts: 54 Member
We are on Month 2 of Paleo and we need some fresh recipes that are not only easy to do (1.5 hours or less) but are family friendly as we have two youngsters that are pretty picky.

I've been to NomNomPaleo and other sites, but looking to see if anyone has tried their own concoction of some sort and it was delicious.


  • flatlandrunner
    flatlandrunner Posts: 54 Member
    what kind of recipes are you after? Dessert? Snack? Sauce? Chicken? Slow-cooker?
  • MamaOfThree88
    MamaOfThree88 Posts: 54 Member
    Dinner and snacks!
  • l_esperanza
    l_esperanza Posts: 1 Member
    Google nomnompaleo and allagainstgrain. You should get heaps there :)
  • c_youngson
    c_youngson Posts: 10 Member
    Against all grain. I own both her books. There so good.
  • bmonahan115
    bmonahan115 Posts: 121 Member
    @MamaOfTwo20 Do you have crockpot? It takes longer the 1-2 hours but the prep for it typically is under 20 min for most paleo recipes I've used my crockpot for. You can do many spice blends and proteins and get a lot of different dinners from there. I know he's technically primal by marks daily apple has a lot of options that are simple whole foods and snacks that are kid friendly. Pork rinds crushed up with parmesan make for a great breading for fish stick and chicken fingers for kiddos and yummy cutlets for mom and pop.