Working at a desk and losing weight

I just started a desk job a month ago after having a job where I was on my feet all day and moving around. I lost weight before but gained it all back in a year. My concern is continuing to gain weight now that I'm not active as much and sitting a big portion of the day. I have a gym membership but haven't went since I started this job. By time I get home it's time for dinner, shower, then soon after bed then the cycle repeats. Sometimes I work 11 to 12 hours a day or 6 days a week. I'm normally so exhausted when I get home that I become lazy. I don't eat as much at work like I used to when I worked in a grocery store. I drink water all day.

Any ideas for getting my exercise in? And also ideas for work lunches? Thanks!


  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    I go to the gym at lunch. I love it because it let's me escape and I know I don't have to go at night (things happen). If I eat lunch I'll just have something at my desk while working before or after the gym.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Well for weightloss you just got to eat less.

    What sort of desk job do you have.

    If you can't make it to the gym maybe try walking at lunch. Or if possible cut your hours back a bit. Like take a longer lunch or something.

    Not a lot you can do if your working 12 hours.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,898 Member
    A friend of mine parks a mile away from his work to get in 2 miles a day walking. Rain or shine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    I also work a desk job and it's a challenge! I park as far away from the entrance as the parking lot allows. I use the bathroom that's the farthest away from my desk. When going to the copy room, I take a round about way to get there. Whenever I pass the staircase, I go up and back down before heading where I need to go. At lunch I go for a at least a 3-mile walk. I take a break mid-morning and do a quick circle of the parking lot. I just look for ways to get in more movement throughout the day. Good luck!
  • KiwiAlexP
    KiwiAlexP Posts: 186 Member
    If you can get up and see others instead of sending emails or phoning - can get better results as well as extra movement
  • JahanLindy
    JahanLindy Posts: 12 Member
    I understand the pressure. I am doing a whole day job too. but i guess these small yet effective tricks will help you in your problems.
  • aliciasilfies
    aliciasilfies Posts: 179 Member
    I too sit at a desk most of the day, so I understand how you feel. I make sure to get up and walk around every 30 minutes and while I'm sitting I do a lot of stretches (under my desk where no one can see of course!) For lunches, I mostly bring leftovers. I tend to make extra servings of dinners that I love just so I can bring them to work. I've also started marinating chicken breasts and grilling them along with asparagus, potatoes, carrots, and cauliflower. Chicken caesar wraps and tuna lettuce wraps are my go to when I am running late or wasn't able to meal prep for the week. I also keep some snacks on hand to get through the day: strawberries, grapes, yogurt, carrots, apples and peanut butter, trail mix, and string cheese.
  • syndeo
    syndeo Posts: 68 Member
    Get a standing desk, its better for your health, and you burn more calories vs sitting.
  • RebeccaD22
    RebeccaD22 Posts: 202 Member
    I have a desk job also and when I started I gained about 20 lbs. here are some tricks I picked up after a year that have worked for me...
    -if you have a water cooler, get up and walk to it frequently this also causes you to...
    -get up to walk to the bathroom more and,
    -get all your water in for the day
    -walking on your lunch break or your 15 like I do. I have a super flexible boss who lets me and my coworkers walk like 30 minutes in the morning.
    -snack on carrots and healthy foods throughout the day so that you don't have a huge lunch or dinner and over eat
    -take the stairs if you work on another floor
    -park farther away
    -I suffer from fatigue and an autoimmune disorder, so I completely understand be so tired when you get home from work, even if it is a desk job. But personally I know it's worth it to squeeze in a half hr power walk before I eat and take a shower and go to bed!
    -get up and stretch every hour
    -if possible, invest in an under the desk elliptical. (Make sure to get the measurements right) I have one that I use off and on.
    -ask your boss to approve you to have a ergonomic standing work station. I work in risk management and safety and our office LOVES these. They have ones that lower and raise easily. Message me if you'd like the brand and website(I don't remember it off the top of my head).

    Hope these are helpful and good luck. I know the struggle!!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Log your food to a calorie defecit based on will lose weight whatever

    Get a fitbit or similar and just generally walk more...go visit people in their offices, use the stairs, make walking part of your journey in and lunchtime ..aim for a decent mileage each day both meandering and purposeful's easy enough to get in 5 miles

    And you can always fit in an exercise class, lifting or home workout if you want to so can the excuses and just do it ...
  • Debarella
    Debarella Posts: 16 Member
    Right! I gained 40 lbs slowly at my desk job in 5 years! I walk to the post offce everyday (just under a mile rt) if I didn't have that I'm not sure how big I would be. Really having to take my snacking & activity level into my own hands. Owning my weaknesses & pushing myself to stop eating the junk. Making healthy snax for the office. Getting a fitbit really helped Me get started after Christmas. I've lost 12. 5 lbs not a lot but on my way. We can do this the desk doesn't get to win we do!
  • teresa_garcia29
    teresa_garcia29 Posts: 65 Member
    Get up and stretch at least once every hour or every half hour if possible.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Get up and stretch at least once every hour or every half hour if possible.

    stretching will help relieve muscle stiffness but it isn't going to help with any weight target
  • dalem48
    dalem48 Posts: 86 Member
    Between my lunch and two breaks at work I get in 3 miles a day. I really like the idea of getting paid to take walks.
  • Sevendust912
    Sevendust912 Posts: 122 Member
    You admitted in the first post that you get lazy. Stop being lazy and go to the gym in the morning, and clean up the diet.
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    I have a desk job but I get the bus to work and the closest it drops me is still a whopping 20 minute walk from my office so I have little choice but to walk it come rain, snow or shine.
    Or I could finally learn to drive but would then have to spend longer in the gym to compensate.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have a desk job...I have lost 56lbs...yesterday was my rest day and I still got 12k steps in...without any exercise and I worked all day.

    You don't have to be "chained" to your desk...bathroom breaks..water, lunch, breaks...I get my steps in easily.

    But just eat less.
  • katieshaheen66
    katieshaheen66 Posts: 16 Member
    I have a desk job and I have lost 33 pounds since January. I make sure to do as much walking during the day as possible - on my lunch hours, if it is nice, I will walk as fast and far as I can down our main street downtown. I bring my lunch and snacks to work, rather than going and grabbing some greasy food off of a food truck at lunch, and I avoid the kitchen at all costs. There are always muffins and cookies and lots of delicious goodies there! I am a bit lucky though, I have to walk paperwork from floor to floor, and our printer is far from my desk (and I print a lot of things) so I am always able to get my steps in. Once I get home, I make dinner, do a few chores and then while I watch my shows before bed time, I go on my elliptical for an hour or two. I stick to my calorie and exercise goals, and everything seems to be fine!
  • lalangela
    lalangela Posts: 23 Member
    I have a desk job. I take my lunch break at the gym. I pack my lunches so I'm not tempted to grab take out. I drink my morning coffee and then water all day. It's really about deciding to make different choices. Good luck!
  • riss526
    riss526 Posts: 36 Member
    I work a desk job as well and most of my time is spent sitting down. I get up of course to use the restroom and to get a glass of water here and there but am not very active at work. I have a 2 year old son, so as soon as I get off work and get him picked up from the babysitter, I am running around my house for the latter half of the afternoon. I'll feed him dinner and make something for my fiance and I around 7-730, get my son to bed by 830 and be out on the elliptcal or treadmill by 845-9. I usually start a fresh episode of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix on my laptop and work out for the entirety of the episode (roughly 45 min) and then do weights, push ups, crunches, etc. for the first 15-20 minutes of the next episode that starts. I'm eating roughly 1400 calories per day and burning about 500 with just working out. You just have to fit exercise into your schedule. If you want it bad enough, you will make it happen.