I'm going to give this a shot, starting yesterday, and I'm looking for people to add me as a friend. I have no clue how to add Friends, but I do know how to accept people! I'm really looking for people to be accountable to and who will light a fire under my butt when need be!

I have a LOT of weight to lose, so if there's anyone out there with 100+ or 200+ pounds to lose I would especially love to hear from you! ALL friends are welcome though, even if you only have 5 pounds to lose -- we're all in this together!


  • Shantia88
    Shantia88 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Denise I just getting back into the swing of things I'm starting me a new diet/excersise plan tomorrow. I'm also looking for some motivational support to help me through this I'll add you to my friend list we can keep each other motivated!
  • Juliansmommy09
    Juliansmommy09 Posts: 11 Member
    I am new to all this too we can do it =]]
  • newguy88
    newguy88 Posts: 1 Member
  • bzymommy5boyz
    bzymommy5boyz Posts: 81 Member
    I'll friend you. :smile:
  • July162015
    July162015 Posts: 1 Member
    I need motivation and friends...When I turned 51 and gained 50 lbs..I will be 65 next month and ready to jump! lol..Help!
  • bikefit2015
    bikefit2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Denise, count me in. I'm new to this too. Not sure how to add people but I guess I will figure it out
  • GtbFitBrit
    GtbFitBrit Posts: 42 Member
    I need more friends!! Add me up ppl ! I'm a breastfeeding mommy of 3 girls, just had a baby 2.5 weeks ago and looking to lose about 50-75 lbs
  • tiarajj08
    tiarajj08 Posts: 82 Member
    I need more friends as well!! You can do it! It just takes will power and the mindset that you want to change and develop a healthy lifestyle. K. 24 and I started mfp April first and Iost a total of 21.9 pounds so far! Add me if you like!
  • amilliah891
    amilliah891 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm new and I really don't know much of this ...my friend invited me to download this app.. I have a lot of weight to lose . My thing is I substitute snacks for food. I don't really eat much when it comes to food.. sometimes I need that buff. .lol.. I don't know how to add you guys
  • TheRealBill
    TheRealBill Posts: 28 Member
    I am starting back and could definitely use some friends to be accountable to also!
  • Evesmooches
    Evesmooches Posts: 3 Member
    U can do it 2010 I took my grandson to the park.. he thought he saw his dads car at 2 yrs of age he ran off towards the street to who he thought was his dad ..At 320lbs I couldn't do a thing but shout out to come back..and a young man snatched him up before getting into the street...

    At that time I realized my condition... I won't tell u it was ez but it sure was worth it.. it took approx 2yrs but I went down to 150lbs and at 49 I was finally able to run the track

    I thank God for my children they took turns pushing me ummmmmmmmm I can b a bit stubborn. .. honestly if I did it u surely can do it
  • tsoiitseyusdi
    tsoiitseyusdi Posts: 16 Member
    everyone can add me too :)
  • feliciawalters
    feliciawalters Posts: 15 Member
    I added you!! I feel like it really helps to have mfp friends. It's nice to people hugging and commenting on the good progress we make. Celebrating the small victories helps us keep striving to reach our goals. Anybody can add me too
  • rirwin778
    rirwin778 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Denise, I'm Roxanne.
    I'm new here to. 5days in it.
    I like plugging in my food and it keeps me accountable. But there are times durning work with the girls that I think about eating something off my plan. I am looking for support. Also I can't seem to get past 5000 steps during the week cuz I sit at a desk for 8 hrs.
    I'll see how to add you or send a request.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    You can add me. I really do not know if I can help at all. Look at my profile and decide if we match up. But if you decide to join me, "you have a friend in me" Toy story lyric.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    That invitation is open to anyone.
  • jusme1977
    jusme1977 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I have a LOT to lose also. I'm sending you a request. Anyone else please feel free to add me! :)
  • MrsC42957
    MrsC42957 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this too. Today is my 1st day and think this is going to help all of us! Count me in!
  • heatherbeau
    heatherbeau Posts: 8 Member
    I am fairly new.. I have been here for 2 1/2 weeks... looking to lose about 50pounds. I have lost almost 8 already!! I sent you a request Denise, and anyone else who wishes to send me one, please feel free!! The more the merrier! Welcome Denise and good luck on your journey! :D
  • heatherbeau
    heatherbeau Posts: 8 Member
    rirwin778 wrote: »
    Hi Denise, I'm Roxanne.
    I'm new here to. 5days in it.
    I like plugging in my food and it keeps me accountable. But there are times durning work with the girls that I think about eating something off my plan. I am looking for support. Also I can't seem to get past 5000 steps during the week cuz I sit at a desk for 8 hrs.
    I'll see how to add you or send a request.

    I also sit at a desk for 8 hours a day.. I started a new thing, I set an alarm on my phone for 45 minutes, when it goes off, I get up and walk around the building for a few minutes. Go to the bathroom and lately I have been walking up and down the stairs at least twice, it gets something in and not just sitting ALL day! I don't know if your job is flexible enough that you can walk around for a few minutes, but it is worth a shot, right?! :)