Weight loss

Hi I'm Tammy, my main goal is to loose weight! My biggest issue is commitment and will power! Every time I give up focus I just think meh I'll start again on Monday... =| even if it's a Monday! Then a week later I'm like meh I'll start again next week properly! This has to stop I need to be determined so any helpful tips etc would be lovely! Thanks in advance =] xxx


  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    I used to be like that (still am a bit). What has helped me is to not focus on the big picture so much, as it can seem overwhelming. I'm working on mini goals of 10% weight loss, which seems more achievable. The other thing, which really only you can overcome is to stop the all or nothing mentality. One meal, one day shouldn't mean giving up. Are there days I over eat - yes! Are there days that I want to give up - yes! But when I get to that point, instead of thinking - I can start again on Monday, I think, I can start over right now. My next meal can be better. I can go for a walk or run.

    Good luck. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • deanpearce
    deanpearce Posts: 16 Member
    edited June 2015
    To succeed you need to have extreme discipline in the early days. You are trying to break habits, and habits are hard to break. I had to remove all distraction food from the house, I had to place stern/motivational reminder signs in my apartment.

    The next thing is don't try to overdo it. Yes you're fixing your diet but your body will panic if you go from 3500 to 1500 calories overnight. Remember that weight loss is a consistent process once you have the right mindset. You didn't gain the weight overnight, so it will take some time to come off.

    So far I am only about 45lbs into my 230lbs weight loss, but so far the following things have helped me out tremendously:
    • Keep a food log religiously at the beginning.
    • Get a food scale, weigh everything.
    • Get rid of tempting foods. Donate them or throw them away, don't keep eating them, think "next week" and proceed to buy more junk food.
    • Set some basic intermediate goals like "I want to lose 15lbs in 2 months" for you to celebrate
    • Don't lose sight of the long term, but don't focus on it either. 230lbs seems daunting but I'm only 26lbs away from my 350lbs milestone!
    • The faster you get back on the horse, the less damage you'll do. Went out for dinner with friends? Start again that evening and not the next day, and certainly not next week.
    • Drop the liquid sugars, like yesterday. Water and unsweetened coffee/tea are delicious.
    • Be honest with yourself. I always externalized my failure "oh my friends wanted to go out" or "it was only one donut, it'd be rude not to take one when offered" and that kind of clouded my vision for months.
    • Start getting some exercise into your routine. It'll help with digestion, endurance and strength.
  • deanpearce
    deanpearce Posts: 16 Member
    Also I kind of dove right into my recommendations, hello Tammy! Welcome back to MFP, you'll find all the support you need here :smile: everyone is so wonderful.
  • wcope0412
    wcope0412 Posts: 97 Member
    I agree with deanpearce!! I have went from 238 to 193 since Feb 25. It was hard but I had to get my mind in the right place first. Feel free to add both of yall
  • gardenrose4200
    gardenrose4200 Posts: 7 Member
    I can relate to your delemma. I love food. I know i have to cook better. My goals ive set is to cook healthier. If im gonna eat healthier the whole family will too...otherwise im sabbotaging myself. I have a weightloss tape i used by Richard Simmons that i have lostvweight to before. I dug itout and am using it every other to every day. I often dont feel like walking but i know if i dont get out there i wont burn any calories. Its hard but keep focused. Reach out to us for support. You can do this. One day at a time.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    tgantschuk wrote: »
    Hi I'm Tammy, my main goal is to loose weight! My biggest issue is commitment and will power! Every time I give up focus I just think meh I'll start again on Monday... =| even if it's a Monday! Then a week later I'm like meh I'll start again next week properly! This has to stop I need to be determined so any helpful tips etc would be lovely! Thanks in advance =] xxx

    Hey OP, welcome! Check out some of these links. They should steer you in the right direction.




    One thing that really worked for me is prelogging the next day and then holding myself accountable for what I've logged.
  • tgantschuk
    tgantschuk Posts: 4 Member
    Wow thank you everyone! I never really expected any replys but it's great to know there is such a good community behind you, especially when u lack the commitment yourself! It's good to know others believe in you =D
  • terrilouH
    terrilouH Posts: 90 Member
    Hi tammy my problem is if I tell myself or put myself on a diet all I can think about is all the food I can't eat hahahaha, what I do instead is allow myself a small treat each week and I use it as a mini milestone and it's amazing how Much difference a week can make I'm 2 months in today
  • tgantschuk
    tgantschuk Posts: 4 Member
    Wow that's great and some good advice too thank you I'll bear it in mind =D I'm excited to see how far I can come
  • 2MOONRendezvous
    2MOONRendezvous Posts: 5 Member
    Shut down that inner "No" voice that tells you that you can't. Find an activity you know you can enjoy or grow to enjoy and try it out for 20minutes at a time to start. If you can push yourself to do it a couple times per day and keep with it a few weeks, you've just broken the downslope. It's victorious after you find the mojo you need. Maybe if you have a cute outfit that might motivate you, you'll feel the desire to get moving too. All the best to you, you can do it! :)
  • Felmp8
    Felmp8 Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it girl! I'm in the same boat..it definately is all about will power and self control! Don't starve yourself of things you love though..it's all about moderation but it's also about portion control (I'm a foodie so I definately have exceeded my portion amount in the past) I just started this fitness pal again yesterday so hopefully you can add me and we can help each other!
  • tgantschuk
    tgantschuk Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah I started again yesterday too and I'm determined this time! Thank you all so much!! Iv enjoyed my day grazing on fruit and salad and I'm ultimately full! Iv got loads of new recipes and just gonna see how it goes =D
  • gloriapda76
    gloriapda76 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I just started this FitnessPal thing and I'm actually enjoying it!! Motivation and Will Power have ALWAYS been my weakness. So I hope with support from you guys and my family, I can stick to something a little longer than a week. Lol! Good Luck to everyone!