Mid Life Crisis?

I've quit smoking, started dieting, gotten past the college entrance and scholarship awards and graduation for son and now have two weeks until we leave on our vacation just the two of us while the S.O. and daughter stay home. Work is rough right now and I'm disgusted by what I see of myself inside and out. I seem to be on a spiral downward, maybe depressed. I made myself walk yesterday after I ate like crap but cried a lot on my walk.

Anyone else battling this "weight" inside as well as out?


  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    don't give in or give up. it is not a sprint, but a life long. Lifestyle. You will not alwasy make the right choices, dont beat yourself up over it. Just do you best. make the most correct choice and remember to live and enjoy life. It is about being healthy to enjoy and experience life. LIVE IT!!!
  • proncess1962
    I hear you. I am 48 years old and quit smoking in January but having a tough time sticking with it now that summer is here. Don't get down on yourself......each day is a new start! I take one day at a time and don't beat myself up if I have a bad day - the support on here is amazing........feel free to add me
  • DESIREE1210
    DESIREE1210 Posts: 177 Member
    Sounds to me like your stressed and going thru a tough time right now. Try to find the good in everything. If it's your job, thank god you have one, so many people have no work and can't afford anything. If it's your children moving out, think of how much freedom you'll have in your home and life. I thought I would go nuts but I have to say, I LOVE IT!!! If it's just everything getting to you, maybe you need to just relax and take all the good in...
    Good luck to you. talking about issues seem to help too so you dont hold them all inside.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Since the end of March I have had a walking cast on my right leg due to an ankle injury & am having surgery sometime next month to repair my ankle. After the surgery, I will be bed ridden until the doctor says that I can start physical therapy.
    I am watching what I eat & staying under my daily calorie limit. The only exercise that I can do is to hobble around the house on a crutch & try to keep it de-clutered, but can't really clean it. When I do go out in public, I use a wheelchair. Using the crutch or the wheelchair burns a few calories, but not enough to make a difference.
    I am now back to the weight I was when I started MFP. I'm not depressed about that fact, just frustrated. :grumble:
    On top of all this, my plan is to quit smoking on the 7th of June (my 19th wedding anniversary) & I really want to succeed this time but am hoping the stress that this injury has brought into my life will not be the reason I fail.
  • MindiKat
    MindiKat Posts: 49
    Hawaiian - I think you have to forgive yourself if you slip - of course I can't seem to listen to my own advice. I stay so busy and I have so little time and after a lifetime of raising kids (and men) I'm just not equipped to carve out that time for something *I* need like exercise (something I'm working on). I didn't worry about the weight when I quit although I exercised religiously the first month or 6 weeks which probably helped from gaining more than I did. Then, all the fast food because I have no time to cook and cake at graduation parties or cooking for my family (and why is it so time consuming and expensive to cook healthy?!). Or it was my own finals last semester or homework or something. And then at 9:30 when I could go for a walk, I'm pooped and just want to lay down or my back hurts etc, etc.

    It wasn't just excuses - I honestly couldn't do it some days. There just weren't and aren't enough hours in the day. Now all that craziness is over for a few months, so for now I'm committed again. Once school starts back that may change and I'll have to re-evaluate. Tell yourself you'll do that same thing once you're up and moving again.

    And think of the silver lining - about how nice and sculpted your arms will look by the time you're done?! I'll be here if you want to vent for sure.