bariatric surgery



  • _Jessica_
    _Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I had the surgery and I gained back my weight. but it is my own fault plus i wish had gone through another place that had a better support system
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
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    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • Czymom
    Czymom Posts: 12
    I would like to bring up the fact that weight loss surgery is great, if you can also deal with the reasons for overeating. Most people are obese because they eat when they are happy, sad, anxious, at a party, celebrating holidays, on vacation, stressed out, trying to socialize, etc., etc., etc.

    We do have to deal with the psychological aspects of our weight.

    Please know that weight loss surgery isnt a magic solution, so many people have learned to eat around and gain the weight back. Make sure you have support systems in place, along with the belief in yourself that you can do it.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Has anyone out there had bariatric surgery?? Whqat are your thoughts, experiences, issues, adivce?

    Please don't respond if you have never had baratric surgery... I am not looking for people to tell me why they are against it. I have medical complications that are pushing forward to having surgery. So with that said, I am not looking for the quick fix to loose weight, I am medically in need.

    I had it in April of 1995. Things have changed since then (for one, now it's done mostly via laparoscopy whereas with me they cut me from sternum to belly button). I went from 213 to 135 and maintained that weight until I moved to Nashville in 2001. During that time, I fluctuated a bit, but I was struggling with 15 lbs, not 115. I was mostly able to maintain it because I was doing hard core aerobics 3x per week (which is A LOT easier at 135 than it is at 200). When I moved to Nashville, I ended up in a job where alcohol and late hours were common (gained 10 lbs), met my husband (gained another 10), got married then pregnant (ending up at 195 where I've continued to yo-yo).

    Because I had my surgery so long ago, things that were instrumental before no longer work for me (for example, many who have bariatric surgery have "dumping issues" with sugar, fried foods, etc.). I RARELY dump anymore (unless I've absolutely gorged myself - which is hard to do). Also, I got into bad habits - like not eating 3 meals (nibbling instead), drinking with my meals, eating slider foods, etc.

    Unfortunately, with as much as we go through to have the surgery we're often left on our own (no "real" rules to follow) afterward.

    If you're looking for info on bariatric surgery (with supportive, instead of judgmental answers) go to Everyone there has either had it or is looking to have it. You'll hear the good, the bad and the ugly.

    For those who have already had the surgery, that same site can help you get on track through something called the 5 day pouch test. That site has been a godsend for me. (but so has this one in a completely different way).
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    I have not had bariatric surgery but i work in a family practice office and i have seen ALOT of problems. Even if your surgery is successful you have life long struggles because your body can not absorb necessary nutrients. There are alot of complications involved short term and long term.

    That's not necessarily true. It depends on the type of surgery you have.
  • Czymom
    Czymom Posts: 12
    Lap band surgery is not associated with malabsorption. The food travels through your entire digestive system. I do want to say that those with lap band (such as myself) do not have the super quick weight loss that those with bypass have.
  • khagans
    khagans Posts: 2 Member
    Hi jpommerening...I had the surgery in 2004. This surgery is NOT a cure, it's a tool. After several years the dumping goes away and you can eat like you did to get in the shape your in. I lost 120lbs and kept it off with no problems for five years. Then the habits came back. The grazing, over eating, fast food blah blah blah. Fortunately I did not stretch my pouch too bad. I gained 40llbs back. The bp started going up. The A1C was back to a 5.9 from a 5.0 and I felt miserable. With the help of my doctor and myfitnesspal I have shedded 20lbs and still on the way back down. If I had it to do all over I would MOST DEFINITELY get the surgery again! It is the best thing that ever happened to me. You just have to remember that they say new habits are formed in 30 days is complete bull crap IMHO. My old habits did come back and I had to get them under control again. Plan on exercising and eating properly the rest of your life if you want to keep it off. The honeymoon is over after about three years and life is back. Deal with it before it is too late. I have seen a lot of people go back to being themselves after a few years. I refuse to go there. The best advice I can give you is if you cannot totally commit yourself to this don't waste the time, money and pain. If you can make that commitment it is the best thing that will ever happen to you...Keith
  • Mommette
    Mommette Posts: 1
    This is the best answer I've read. Thank you for being so honest about gastric bypass. I had the RNY on the 12th of May, and have done everything I'm supposed to do. So far, 12 lbs down. And I feel good. My sister is 3 years out. We have both made a commitment to this new life style, and are there to back each other up.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I had lap band done on 6/15/09. I have good days for eating, and bad days, just like everyone else. And I've got funny food quirks, like I can't have regular bread, but I can eat the living crap out of toast. I chose the lap band because it was the most "pregnancy friendly" surgery. When I get pregnant, I can have the saline taken out, and afterwards, I can get the saline put back in.

    I found out not that long ago that I have a leak in my band, and no matter how much I get a fill for, my band will secrete all the saline all the way down to the "maximum" of 4.5cc. Which is fine, because I have restriction, and I can eat a good healthy amount of food. Too bad my insurance stopped covering weight loss surgery, so the revision isn't covered, and it would be $7500 just to replace the small piece that's leaking.... but oh well!

    I'm glad I did the surgery because now, I have such a greater respect for food, and my portion size has gotten so much better!
  • Yeah I had Bariatric Surgery. There are many different types of surgery. For particular you should take an advice of Surgeon. I had LAP BAND surgery. I lose weight 50 to 60 percent in 2 years. It is more advisable to do. All surgery have their own side effects but every body suits different things so ask your bariatric surgeon and get it.

    For more details visit
  • I had a bypass 3 years ago and never looked back. Yes there are long term complications, yes it is HARD HARD work but so worth it.
    I saved for mine, got no funding at all and it SAVED MY LIFE!

    I would be happy to talk to you about it, just add me as a friend.

    It is NOT an easy option by any means and changes your life in mostly good ways but some in bad, know the risks, make a judgement, its not for everyone but I wouldn't change a moment of my journey!
  • Angie789
    Angie789 Posts: 61 Member
    To the OP... I noticed your signature says you are 5'9" and currently weigh 188. Is this correct? If so, you aren't very far from a healthy BMI. I'm not sure why bariatric surgery is even a consideration here if your signature info is right - bariatric surgery is for significant weight loss, not that last 20-25 pounds.
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