Not much weight to loose, but its NOT coming off...

mimommaof2 Posts: 6
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
So ive been off again and on again diets and this sight..yes i know i wont loose if i am on again off again. However ive always been excersizing. Im not feeling ANY different..pants arent looser. The only thing i cant think is that I really dont have much weight to loose...10-15 lbs and it just will not come off.. any suggestions?
Here what im doing:
Slim fast for breakfast
Lean cuisine for lunch
celery or watermelon or pickles for snacks when i get hungry
no special dinner but I watch the amount i intake-i have a picky hubby and 2 kids so its hard to make something "special" and their dinner with working full time.
I go to the gym a few times a week
I am also taking Oxyelete Pro from GNC..its a fat burner


  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    What's your sodium intake like? Some of those Lean Cuisine's are pretty high in sodium content, could be making you retain water?

    Otherwise, the last 10 pounds are the hardest! (And I can't wait till I get there!)
  • ashleypietz
    ashleypietz Posts: 87 Member
    You should really try to determine how many calories you are eating each day. Depending on your current weight you may want to reduce your intake and increase your exercise until the weight is gone. There are websites that can help you determine your BMR (number of calories your body needs to function) and then how many calories you should burn to lose each week.

    You can do it but it takes some planning and definitely you need to track more consistantly if you can. Good Luck!
  • You need to do something to SHOCK your body. I had leveled out and was working my butt off and eating only good for me stuff. I have started adding normal stuff back in but continuing the same level of working out and I am dropping pounds again. Good luck to you and keep it going you are almost there.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    First I would say way low on the Protein and High in Sodium, Sugar and Carbs. Processed foods may be part of the problem. Also you don't say how many calories and it might not be enough. You should not go below 1200 per day.

    If want a protein drink for breakfast go with the real stuff like Premier Protein, Pure Protein or Muscle Milk Light shakes. Try for 25 or more grams of protein per serving.

    If you really like frozen meals for lunch try making something on Sunday and spliting it up into servings that you can freeze. Homemade is better as you will have a much better idea of what went in it.

    Snack ideas: Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese or String Cheese are better choices. Pickles add to your high sodium. Protein bars are also good, look for ones with 17grams or more.

    Dinners with Veggies and Lean Protein are good for the entire family.

    Remember you have to feed the body what it needs in order to burn fat and build muscle!

    Lastly, remember to drink your 64oz of water everyday and it will come off!

    Good Luck!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    First of all a slimfast is like what
    180-200 calories?
    a lean couisine is like 300-500 caloires?

    and your snacks maybe total 100 calories all together

    how many calories on average are your dinners? could you be going waaay over? or are you not eating enough? Both of these are cause for not losing weight...

    When you have only 10-15 pounds left to lose it is super important to have a strict diet. I know you say you don't ahve time to cook yourself something special, but that may be what it takes. Your family can eat a healhty dinner too. So make something special that everyone has to eat.

    Lean couisines have close to 1000 MG of Sodium in them, which will make you hold onto water BAD! they also slow weight loss down, Celery is full of sodium too. and the sodium in Slimfast may be high too I am not sure.

    The sugar content in those food choices might be high too which will slow weight loss.

    Are you liftin weights? if you aren't I would consider that. Weight lifting will help shed body fat. It may not change your weight on the scale as much, but your BF % will drop.

    Last but not least, are you someone who does Ridiculously long Cardio sessions? When you get close to your weight, long extensive cardio sessions will only burn your muscle along with your fat, leaving you "soft" instead of toned. Which I think is something everyone wants to aim for.

    You need to add in lean proteins, up your grains, eat less processed things ie lean couisine and slim fast (they are okay every once and a while but every day isnt good) add in some whole grains, and start weight lifting.
  • Why don't you try to drink your slim fast at dinner? Sometimes when your body gets used to certain things at certain times, it doesn't respond how we want it to.

    Breakfast you can eat a little heavier than a drink since you can always increase your activites throughout the day to compensate for your caloric intake, but after dinner, you're most likely to clean up and go to bed. Try bird food at breakfast (yogurt, fruit, boiled egg, etc.) Then, drink your slim fast at dinner, and eat like, a half or a 1/4-portion of your regular dinner. Oh, and try to eat immediately to 1 hour after you work out. See how that works.

    It seems like it's harder for a "regular" overweight person to lose 10 measily pounds than it is for a morbidly obese person to lose 50.
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I am the anti-slim fast. So I am recommending to have something else for breakfast for sure. Log everything you eat. I would actually pre-plan your day.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    calories are king but I'd consider Sodium to be Queen. You need to add sodium to your diary and see what your intake is. Are you drinking enough water?

    Those last few pounds I've heard are the hardest to lose. Just keep pushing :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Without seeing your food diary there is not much I can suggest specifically. Since you only have a little to lose your goal per week should be no higher than .5 pound. You need to eat all the calories that this site says you should, and you should eat all your exercise calories. Exercise should include a lot of strength training (you don't need a gym membership for this as you can do bodyweight exercises check out my blog here for some examples ) and I would recommend Interval training as your cardio portion (see for more information on that) Basically your body will not tolerate a high calorie deficit, so you need to take this slow. Also remember that you cannot out exercise a bad diet, when all is said and done it is about calorie control. On and off calorie control will not work, diligent logging will but it will take time.
  • So ive been off again and on again diets and this sight..yes i know i wont loose if i am on again off again. However ive always been excersizing. Im not feeling ANY different..pants arent looser. The only thing i cant think is that I really dont have much weight to loose...10-15 lbs and it just will not come off.. any suggestions?
    Here what im doing:
    Slim fast for breakfast
    Lean cuisine for lunch
    celery or watermelon or pickles for snacks when i get hungry
    no special dinner but I watch the amount i intake-i have a picky hubby and 2 kids so its hard to make something "special" and their dinner with working full time.
    I go to the gym a few times a week
    I am also taking Oxyelete Pro from GNC..its a fat burner

    This is what I used to eat like - and I struggled like you did. Eat whole unprocessed foods that your body can break down and get fuel from is what changed my life. A small chicken breast, half a sweet potato and a side salad is s wonderful lunch, and you can cook it the night before and warm it up in the microwave for the same amount of time it takes to nuke the lean cuisine. I make all of my food on Sunday for the week and bag it up.

    On Sunday I also make a batch of steel cut oats and homeade turkey sausage for my daily breakfast all week. That is all of my food ready for lunch and breakfast the whole week, I am full happy and have cut off 29 pounds without being hungry. I learned it on the Six-Week-Plan. I had forgotten that the reason I gained the weight was eating all the processed food. It is the same as fast food. That Slim Fast really doesn't help you much - and if you eat every three hours your metabolism will pick up on its own without taking fat burners.

    Try it, I swear you will be amazed at how much you don't have to do to lose weight. I get a lot of my recipes from clean eating website.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    After looking at the food you mentioned I think your sodium is high.

    Slim fast Chocolate has 220mg of sodium for 1 can
    Lean cuisine (the lowest calorie option - stuffed cabbage with whipped potatoes) has 670mg of sodium in 1 meal
    2 Medium Stalks of celery has 100mg of sodium (I was mad when I found this out lol)
    1 Cup of Watermelon has 5-10mg of sodium (good snack)
    1 Dill Pickle Spear has 220mg of sodium

    If that's ALL your eating in one day you're consuming roughly 1220mg of sodium. That's not counting other foods/snacks/drinks you may be consuming. That assuming you're not eating the higher sodium Lean Cuisines also...that was the lowest calorie one I found under the simple creations on their site. Others are higher in sodium especially the pizza's and sandwiches.

    You need to watch sodium and up your water in take. Are you drinking enough water?
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