Not logging on vacation...

I am going on a glorious vacation here in a couple of weeks...truly the trip of a lifetime...I'm planning on not logging while I'm gone...I don't intend to go crazy and eat everything in sight for the whole week, but if I want Pineapple ice cream, I plan to have it. I'll get in physical activity when I can, but I'm not going to the gym and not taking along workout DVD's - I don't have room in the suitcase anyway...

Does anyone else have experience with this? I am assuming that as long as I get back on plan when I get back, the effect should be minimal...maybe a couple of pounds at the most...


  • Marcieb21
    Marcieb21 Posts: 127 Member
    I did the exact same thing, I've gone to two school trips in the past month or so, and I just didn't really want to ruin the experience by counting all of my calories. I mean you don't have to eat everything in sight, but it's nice to be able to relax and not worry too much about everything you are eating.
  • booberj
    booberj Posts: 69
    I got back for a cruise in April... gained 6lbs but was able to lose it in a week... I think it was mostly water weight from all of the extra sodium
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    In March I went to Mazatlan and basically did what you are planning on doing. I did run on the beach most mornings- it was WONDERFUL!! We did a lot of walking- in fact I made it a point to walk more than ride if at all possible.

    I had dessert a couple nights, ordered what I wanted to (but I wanted the healthier stuff and I sort of thought I would going down there), did make the choice to keep my portions to what they should be. I brought some healthy snacks along and they were very helpful. I swam a bunch, played beach volleyball, really stayed quite active. I also didn't make the vacation about the food. It was about having fun, seeing the sights, spending time with friends and family. Food was a part of it, but the food wasn't all of it.

    Hope you have a great time!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I took my husband's laptop to Florida when I was there for a
    week. I ate normally and didn't go crazy. I only gained two
    lbs. and that included drinking alcohol everyday.

    It works if you track it. If no laptop just jot it down on a paper.
    You can still be accountable.

    Good Luck and have fun!
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    I do this...just don't go crazy..walk when you can...still drink extra hard when you get back to real life! HAVE FUN!
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    I did that last year and gained 8 lbs in one week in Jamaica and I thought I wasn't eating that much because I didn't like the food or soft drinks there but when I returned I quickly lost 4 lbs in the first 3 days (water weight most likely) but half stayed with it and I had to work it off; took a month. Never know. Just eat in moderation, still try to exercise on a daily basis (long walks, swimming counts) and enjoy your vacation and just be aware you might see a weight gain when you return but it's nothing you can't work off.
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    I'm going on my honeymoon for 7 days in about a month to an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. Not only will I not have access to internet I don't want to spend my time logging my food either! We're going to stay active so I'm not too worried but I'm also going to enjoy myself and eat/drink what I want within reason! I can't wait!
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I would still hit the gym if they have one. Exercise is good for you. Not just for weight loss but to just make you feel good overall. Have fun!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    I would just make a simple list of everything you eat. It's easy to forget how much you consume when you are having fun! I wouldn't worry too much about the actual numbers though. And hey, everyone gains a few pounds on vacation!
  • lisapickering
    lisapickering Posts: 374
    YES!! Just go and enjoy yourself. You've done an amazing job to this point, so you will probably make smarter choices without even thinking about it. You may gain a few pounds but you can work on that when you get back. Have fun!!
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I am an all or nothing personality. I HAVE to log or I will go a little crazy with my choices and once I make one bad decision, I will figure "eh, I already screwed up the day I might as well have the ..... (whatever)....." I am going on vacation in 2 weeks and I plan on exercising and eating smart, still indulging a bit, but calculating it in. I will have a good time, but still going to be responsible about it. I have come so far in a few months I do not want to undo it with 10 days of vacation. When I am faced with something I want and know I shouldn't I picture eating it and then think "how am I going to feel AFTER I eat this? Satisfied for about 10 minutes and then be like was good but not worth it. I also peek at my tush and tummy and think.....nope do not want this going there....not gonna eat it! :bigsmile:
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I'm going on my honeymoon for 7 days in about a month to an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. Not only will I not have access to internet I don't want to spend my time logging my food either! We're going to stay active so I'm not too worried but I'm also going to enjoy myself and eat/drink what I want within reason! I can't wait!

    I'm going on my honeymoon to a remote island off Honduras for 10 days in July (no internet handy) and I am considering having my mom log in every day and put my scuba diving calories in just so I don't break my logging streak.

    I am ill. I know :tongue:
  • memecade
    memecade Posts: 19
    I ate everything in site on vacation - and lost 3lbs - not sure how. I think it was all the swimming and walking that helped with that. Anyways, I hope you have an awesome time!!! :) Take some time off from a diet, it's good to do that! I have one day a week where I allow myself to go over on cals and so far it hasn't hurt me and I keep losing! :)
  • brancakes
    brancakes Posts: 263 Member
    I just spent a week in NYC on vacation and I walked a lot and didn't go to crazy but I still ate what I wanted while I had the chance. I didn't gain any weight! Have fun and enjoy yourself. When you come back, get back to it!!
  • memecade
    memecade Posts: 19
    I'm going on my honeymoon for 7 days in about a month to an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. Not only will I not have access to internet I don't want to spend my time logging my food either! We're going to stay active so I'm not too worried but I'm also going to enjoy myself and eat/drink what I want within reason! I can't wait!

    I'm going on my honeymoon to a remote island off Honduras for 10 days in July (no internet handy) and I am considering having my mom log in every day and put my scuba diving calories in just so I don't break my logging streak.

    I am ill. I know :tongue:

    Ha! I know what you mean! Instead of being addicted to food, I transferred my addiction to MFP! I'm on a 50 day streak. :) YAY! Love it!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I couldn't log while I was on vacation...I was out of the country with no internet! I was gone for 9 days and came back the same weight. I made mostly good decisions while away but definitely drank my share and indulged here and there.

    Have a great time!
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    I'm going on my honeymoon for 7 days in about a month to an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. Not only will I not have access to internet I don't want to spend my time logging my food either! We're going to stay active so I'm not too worried but I'm also going to enjoy myself and eat/drink what I want within reason! I can't wait!

    I'm going on my honeymoon to a remote island off Honduras for 10 days in July (no internet handy) and I am considering having my mom log in every day and put my scuba diving calories in just so I don't break my logging streak.

    I am ill. I know :tongue:

    Ha! I know what you mean! Instead of being addicted to food, I transferred my addiction to MFP! I'm on a 50 day streak. :) YAY! Love it!

    LOL the only thing I'm not looking forward to about this honeymoon is breaking my streak!! I'm already at like 145 days!!! Maybe I'll have my sister log on for me everyday, I hadn't thought of that!
  • yojibalinese
    I'm really proud of me "logged in 150 days in a row" badge. I make sure to log every day even if sometimes on the weekends I only log breakfast and lunch.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    ya definitely try to embrace your new healthy self on vaca. I like to let loose on vacation, but i still always bring my runners, do beach yoga, swim lots (even tho i suck at swimming) and rent kayaks, instead of getting drunk from 10 am and lying belly up all day. :)
    vacation should not leave you exhausted. it should leave you refreshed.

    as for food. totally treat yourself, but dont go insane. make sure you still choose fresh fruits and veggies, give yourself a couple of treats daily, and WATCH PORTION SIZE. if you have a buffet type of setup, make a rule that you can eat whatever you want but ONLY on one plate. If you choose to load that plate up with lard and deepfried things, all the power to you, but your second plate better be just lettuce. :)