This is a Journey

Hey everyone! I wanted to start my own motivation and support discussion post BECAUSE I know we are all here for the same reason. We all need that support and motivation, in fact I say that we NEED it! I have a lot of weight to lose, but I am on the right track. I began this journey on June 1st and so far I'm doing excellent. I'm trying foods I never thought I'd try before Bd guess what? They are delicious! What are some goals you have set for yourself (short term) for this month? I wish you all lots of success and let's motivate each other.


  • lilbthebasedgod
    lilbthebasedgod Posts: 34 Member
    Hey! I started my fitness goal back in March, I too have a lot of weight to lose and I'm losing it slowly, but that's better than not losing or gaining :) for this month, since it's my birthday soon, I set a goal to lose 4 pounds (I've lost 1.5 so far!) and I'm so happy to hear that you've started your journey on the right track! Please feel free to add me, I am more than happy to motivate you along the way and join you on your fitness journey - best of luck!
  • chey282
    chey282 Posts: 96 Member
    Keep it up! I started almost 2 yrs ago off and on. Got serious in Jan, joined a gym and got a personal trainer. I'm down 50 lbs total, and want to lose another 50! I feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, have more energy, still not where I want to be, but getting there! It feels selfish, but I have had to demand from family and friends they respect my choices and time to workout. My 10 yr old son is starting to look at nutrition info! He knows I'm always checking for protein and calories, so now he's doing it too! Hubby is down 30 lbs and doing great! I think I've lost 15lbs since Jan, but I've dropped 6 inches off my bra size and 3 sizes in clothes overall. The biggest difference came when I started working out. I had knee surgery a month ago and am really fighting to get my energy and motivation back where it was. We deserve it!!! We owe it to ourselves and the family will benefit as much if not more in the end!
  • eoakland
    eoakland Posts: 14 Member
    Hey MFP I got this app maybe 1-2yrs ago but didn't stick with it
  • jomariemartinez13
    jomariemartinez13 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I started my fitness goal back in March, I too have a lot of weight to lose and I'm losing it slowly, but that's better than not losing or gaining :) for this month, since it's my birthday soon, I set a goal to lose 4 pounds (I've lost 1.5 so far!) and I'm so happy to hear that you've started your journey on the right track! Please feel free to add me, I am more than happy to motivate you along the way and join you on your fitness journey - best of luck!

    Yay! Well I'm sure you've got this. You're doing awesome already. Thank you for the support. I requested you.
  • jomariemartinez13
    jomariemartinez13 Posts: 4 Member
    chey282 wrote: »
    Keep it up! I started almost 2 yrs ago off and on. Got serious in Jan, joined a gym and got a personal trainer. I'm down 50 lbs total, and want to lose another 50! I feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, have more energy, still not where I want to be, but getting there! It feels selfish, but I have had to demand from family and friends they respect my choices and time to workout. My 10 yr old son is starting to look at nutrition info! He knows I'm always checking for protein and calories, so now he's doing it too! Hubby is down 30 lbs and doing great! I think I've lost 15lbs since Jan, but I've dropped 6 inches off my bra size and 3 sizes in clothes overall. The biggest difference came when I started working out. I had knee surgery a month ago and am really fighting to get my energy and motivation back where it was. We deserve it!!! We owe it to ourselves and the family will benefit as much if not more in the end!

    Way to go! Wow that is huge success! What's most important is that you've lost a lot of weight already and you have goals set to lose more. You'll do thus once that stubborn knee is healed. You got this! Keep up the awesome work. Another amazing thing is that your 10 year old is likely to develop healthier habits and carefully choose foods to eat. My 3year old daughter is now eating some fruits and veggies! It's exciting to see her go to the freezer and pull those out instead of junk for snacks. She will also exercise with me when I do. I wish you much success!
  • bzymommy5boyz
    bzymommy5boyz Posts: 81 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm always looking for support/motivation pals.
  • jfurgerson1
    jfurgerson1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm Jessica. I started on this app a while ago but didn't stick to it. Since then, not only have I put on more weight, but I have also been diagnosed with diabetes & high cholesterol. I have A LOT of weight to lose! Motivation is desperately needed.
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    You can all do it!! The key is consistency: log everything you eat, log your exercise (or get a fitness tracker to help), and always try to burn more calories that what you eat. There'll be tough days, days when you want to kick your own *kitten*, days when you just don't FEEL like logging, but do it! In a few short weeks, you'll notice that you're down a few pounds, your clothes are a little looser, and you have a bit more energy.

    Slow and steady wins this race, and all of you can do it :smile:
  • gilliebee63
    gilliebee63 Posts: 94 Member

    You can all do it!! ... There'll be tough days, days when you want to kick your own *kitten*, days when you just don't FEEL like logging, but do it! In a few short weeks, you'll notice that you're down a few pounds, your clothes are a little looser, and you have a bit more energy.
    So true.
  • jomariemartinez13
    jomariemartinez13 Posts: 4 Member
    You can all do it!! The key is consistency: log everything you eat, log your exercise (or get a fitness tracker to help), and always try to burn more calories that what you eat. There'll be tough days, days when you want to kick your own *kitten*, days when you just don't FEEL like logging, but do it! In a few short weeks, you'll notice that you're down a few pounds, your clothes are a little looser, and you have a bit more energy.

    Slow and steady wins this race, and all of you can do it :smile:

    You are absolutely right! I didn't want to workout today but I did and I even beat a goal of mine. I worked out for over an hour. I never thought I'd see the day where this would happen. I'm making changes and getting it done. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    Pretty much nothing is impossible when it comes to weight loss. There are weeks where you somehow gain, weeks where you lose more than you thought you would, but it's like the old rabbit vs. tortoise: slow and steady gives you consistent results that are permanent! Your interpretation that it's a journey is completely correct. I wish you well on it :smile:
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited June 2015
    I just reached one of my short term goals which was for the scale to say anything in the 166lb range. next is 160
    another goal is to run a whole mile with no breaks.
    another is to add some body weight exercises to build muscles. I do it once a week now and should add at least one more day

    sounds like you are in a good place and doing a good job getting started. congratulation on taking the first step in this journey to a healthier you