New girl

hi all, my names Rachel I'm from the UK! I have always been up and down on my weight and decided that I really need to feel 100% about myself. I'm a UK size 16/18 and im 5ft9inch weigh in at about 215 pounds. My goal is to be a a comfortable 12/14 (basically fit in a river islands 14!). I just want to know that feeling that when I take this to the changing room it's going to fit and feel great and unfortunately not had that feeling for a long time. I have a wedding 1st August and want to lose about 2 stone (28 pounds) I have 7 weeks to do this! I could really do with support and wanting to support others too!! If anyone has any exercise at home tips of dieting tips that would be really appreciated piece out guys xx


  • StereophoneyGaz
    StereophoneyGaz Posts: 406 Member
    Hiya, good luck with your goals, I'm in the UK you can add me if you like
  • andybridge100
    andybridge100 Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck
  • praksindiafit
    praksindiafit Posts: 526 Member
    Good Luck Rachel
  • CamHodge81
    CamHodge81 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Luck Rachel! You know you can do it!
  • stephanieoverton433
    stephanieoverton433 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Rachel! I'm in the uk too, you can add me! I totally understand your goal, I'm a little way into my journey and have just started to enjoy clothes shopping again :-) .x
  • Natalie_F_34
    Natalie_F_34 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I have a similar goal to you, I sure know what you mean by taking clothes in to changing room and knowing they will fit. One day it will be the case. Add me if you like.

    Nat :) x