Zumba Addicts: HRM owners & your class pet peeves

LovelySpirit Posts: 66
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
OK, so you can likely tell by my Profile pic, I'm a Zumba Addict:noway: YEP... it makes me :happy: ... I go 3x a week, I :heart: it and if I had the XBOX Kinect, I'd have more days to add to that!


I wanted to ask those of you who wear Heart Rate Monitors to your Zumba class, what do you typically show on your monitor for a ONE-HOUR class? I have yet to purchase a monitor and I'm working toward getting a good one I've seen online. In the meantime, just looking for an average caloric burn amongst MFP.

(I'm not typically a complaining person, I just see these issues over and over during class and it's sad b/c how can you address grown/inconsiderate people... I'm just sharing to hopefully promote awareness)

1) Last week, there's a certain young lady who came for her first time. She stood in the FRONT & CENTER of LINE and proceeded to "try" to catch on to the moves, which we all do, however, most don't start front and center of the class.. but my point is, Her attempts were more of a RATED "R" version :noway: of movement. We were all embarassed for her. Um, yeah...There are pre-teens, teens, young adults and seniors in my class, some things you just should do in moderation :blushing: in front of a versatile class at a Rec. Ctr.

2) When you come to a Zumba class with 60 ppl or more... you have to consider that everyone CAN'T see the instructor (especially my class, our instructor is 5'4 without a stage and very difficult to see) so, many will follow the participant in front of them. PLEASE Don't go to the front of the line if you don't know all the moves... or Tall people (that would be me) should stand to the left or right of the teacher, so people not-so-tall can see the instructor, unless your instructor is on a stage or is very tall. Just consider being considerate...that's all I'm saying.

3) Now if there's one thing that irritates :explode: me in class it's this... PUSHING YOURSELF should not be confused with SHOWING OFF... I believe the more you shake and harder you push yourself the more calories you will burn. :wink: HOWEVER, You might want to consider standing on the side instead of FRONT & CENTER. If you're a SHOW-OFF(and you know when u are showing off) please consider that for some this is their first time and your "intimidation/showboat" tactics are not people-friendly.:brokenheart: :flowerforyou: "HELLO! Your need for attention...a/k/a "insecurity" is showing...:ohwell:"

Zumba is meant to be fun, not intimidating.

*ok, stepping down from my soapbox*

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    I typically burn about 600 calories in an hour long class and we are moving NON-STOP. It is very upbeat and we are constantly shaking it!!

    One of my pet peeves is just the idea of personal space. I understand some classes are so packed you have to stand right next to other people but when you're literally bumping into people because you don't care about how close you get, that's an issue for me!
  • Amgoding
    Amgoding Posts: 16
    I need to know the calorie burn for Zumba as well! Thanks for asking.

    I used to get annoyed by the instuctor not calling out moves but I was told that they are supposed to call them out like a step aerobics instructor.

    My pet peeve is when people are too close to me for no reason what so ever! Get your own space!
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    I'm a Zumba addict and here are my thoughts:

    -Yes, I wear an HRM and I average 400-600 a class, depending on the instructor and her speed.

    -Pet Peeve: When the teacher makes us do cheesy, cornball moves and dances then says "Come on girls! You gotta have fun with it!" Yes my dear, I do want to have fun, but I don't want to look like a complete moron doing it!

    -Second pet peeve: When they try to make you sing along. Please, please don't make me do that haha
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    OMG GIrl, I cracked up at all of yoru pet peeves! I totally know what you mean about ALL of those things, and those are mine. There is one annoying girl in my class that stands front and center, and she barely follows the instructor, does her own annoying dance moves and things she is the hottest thing since sliced bread when all she really does is look like a *kitten*. She ran into me twice last class, I told her to back off and stop running into me or she would become Zumba Roadkill. She got the hint cause she gave me a dirty look and didnt come near me the rest of the class.

    I usually burn anywhere from 650-900 calories per 60 minute class, depending on how much I push myself and how I am feeling, according to my Polar FT7 HRM!
  • thor9424
    thor9424 Posts: 40 Member
    My HRM is pretty close to the set calorie burn MPF gives me for High Impact Aerobics. It is never off by more than fifty calories, but I shut my HRM off before my heart rate goes back down to resting. I know some people include that in their reading. So, if you are looking for justification to buy one, I wouldn't unless you do a lot of other activities that you need to know your burn. It really is pretty realiable on here. :)
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    This is so funny!! There must be one of those people in every class I take!! Sometimes I feel like there should be a pole in the middle of the class, lol! And also peoples workout attire, or lack there of can be a little distracting!
  • danilay
    danilay Posts: 1
    Pet peeves, LOL! All the more reason to like my Total Transformation dvd series. I can look like an idiot in front of my kids, but no one else, thank you!! :)
  • crissa71
    crissa71 Posts: 27 Member
    I had to comment and don't take this the wrong way but, my instructor incourages new people to go to the front of the class...maybe not front and center but it does make sense for new people to be able to view the instructor clearly so that they can pick up the moves quicker...it also make the new people feel welcomed especially if those of us who have been doing it encourage them to go to the front and let them know they will get it! I don't have any pet peeves with Zumba...it is FUN and ADDICTING!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    :love: zumba!

    I have my HRM and it can read between 400-800 calories, it is a 55 min class but i stop it before cool down.

    My pet peeves are when the class is overly crowded and people do not give enough space so one can dance.

    It annoys the hell out of me.:explode:

    I also try to go 2-3 times a week.
  • sfmathews
    sfmathews Posts: 36 Member
    Amgoding and DJ, I agree with the personal space issue. I am tall, so I tend to have to spread out more.:ohwell: I am conscious of other people's personal space and will move myself to allow for their space (as well as my own). But I have had people bump into me before. I tend to find tho, that's it's the newb's who are trying to learn the moves and not paying attention to the people around them.
  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    i usually burn between 700-900 calories (we do alot of bouncing). i guess i am fortunate enough to have a very small class, like the most we have had is 6 people, so i don't really have any of those pet peeves. though there was a lady that came one time and she would pretty much just stand in the back and wave her arms unless someone turned and looked at her. that makes me mad, what's the point of coming if your not even going to try!!!
  • robyn525
    robyn525 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a Zumba Addict after starting in March at my work. I attend twice a week and now have Zumba Fitness for my Wii. I have a Zumba track jacket and Zumba pants.

    I love going to a fitness class again as I enjoy working out. It is so much better than going to the gym. I do sweat a lot and work hard.

    Yay for Zumba. :)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    According to my Mio Petite HRM (no chest strap, but it's pretty darn accurate) I burn anywhere between 650 and 800 calories during an hour of Zumba.

    No real pet peeves, I go to a pretty nice studio where a lot of the people go quite regularly -- so there aren't any show off's and space hogs.


    Happy Zumba-ing!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    LMAO! I"m so excited because I just got my HRM last week and will be using it for Zumba for the first time tonight...I'm so anxious to see what I'm really burning in class! My only pet peeve is the one's that don't really move or travel on the traveling moves and I have to go around them to get my moves in!
  • monoxidechick
    monoxidechick Posts: 339
    I have never been to a class, but was running on the treadmill where I could watch the class last night, and the intructors had the particpants switch spots at quick drink breaks. The front row would move to the back and the second row would come up to the front. It is a smaller gym so they were using the raquetball court, but I thought that was a great idea. I am going to sign up and try the class next week!!
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    I have never been to a class, but was running on the treadmill where I could watch the class last night, and the intructors had the particpants switch spots at quick drink breaks. The front row would move to the back and the second row would come up to the front. It is a smaller gym so they were using the raquetball court, but I thought that was a great idea. I am going to sign up and try the class next week!!
    That is a great idea!!!! I do think new people need to move up more to be able to see the instructor. I understand the insecurity at first I was so nervous! Then I slowly worked my way up!! Now when I go I don't even think about where I am usually I find someone I know and stand with them!!
    Anybody who is thinking about trying it, DO IT! It is soooo much fun. There is never a time that I don't want to go!!
  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    i LOVE LOVE Love my Zumba class and instructor!!! I do hate how jam packed it gets in there....it makes it seem like you are more worried about bumping into others rather than your burn...they need to add another class or something. I love how "into it" everyone gets. I'm not talking the nasty into it...but the fun, upbeat pace that makes you want to push harder!

    I burned 771 calories in my Zumba class today :))
  • I typically burn about 600 calories in an hour long class and we are moving NON-STOP. It is very upbeat and we are constantly shaking it!!

    One of my pet peeves is just the idea of personal space. I understand some classes are so packed you have to stand right next to other people but when you're literally bumping into people because you don't care about how close you get, that's an issue for me!

    That's the number I use is 609..there's a lady in my class who burns 740... I gauged mine from hers minus some water breaks and modified versions... :) Thanks, that's what I have, around 600 ;)
  • I need to know the calorie burn for Zumba as well! Thanks for asking.

    I used to get annoyed by the instuctor not calling out moves but I was told that they are supposed to call them out like a step aerobics instructor.

    My pet peeve is when people are too close to me for no reason what so ever! Get your own space!

    Seems simple enough, remain aware of your workout circle and say excuse me if you're gonna almost knock me down ;) LOL, Space hogs, wake up!
  • crshinn
    crshinn Posts: 23
    I was surprised that Zumba is not in the exercise database since it is so popular. How does everyone else log it? I've been logging it under "Dancing: aerobic...." but I think the calories burned are way to low after reading everyone's posts. I think I've burned a lot more calories than I have logged. Especially since one of my classes has A LOT of jumping throughout the class.

    As for pet peeves, I guess I have been pretty lucky with people being considerate. The only problem I've had is the gym's air conditioner does not seem to be able to handle so many women heating up a room.
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