Discouraged :(

SJHiker Posts: 32 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Venting: I've been very jazzed about this site and so inspired by so many people. I have increased my exercise , noted my food intake and have gotten better with reaching 8 glasses of water daily. I even bought the HRM to see what calories I'm really burning. I'm just not losing any weight. I want to set goals, like I see on everyone's signatures, but I would have failed at every one of them.

No. My bloodwork is all in order. I'm not hypothyroid or anything else. I went to see a dietician and she kind of bummed me out. I am finally going to Curves 3X/week and working hard, but she says I won't lose fat doing that. What!!!??? She says it's not until after the first 30 minutes that I will burn fat. I walk and hike in addition to that, but if I don't continue my "Curves" workout for an additional 30 or 60 additional minutes, then it won't work. What??? She says, I can't leave there and then go to the park for a walk, because I will have to start the workout all over again. The first 30 minutes are lost. Really? Is this what's keeping my body at a standstill? I burn 500cals on a one hour hike with hills. I burn 250 cals at Curves, and 350 around the park. Doing this doesn't help? I don't consume all or most of those calories in food. She also increased my daily calories from 1350(MFP recommendation for 1.5 lbs a weeks= with no results) to about 1500. I'm confused, dissappointed, discouraged and depressed. :sad:


  • susangell
    susangell Posts: 7
    Me too! I've been using this program for nearly two months. Exercise 5x a week at 5 a.m. before I go to work, then walk the dog two miles after work. Cutting back on calories, eating healthy and nutritious food. But the scale goes up and down. Lose 1/2 pound, gain two pounds, lose 1/4 pound, gain three pounds. I don't want to quit because I feel better overall, but it would be nice to see some progress!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    I'm not expert, but I would say that is BS you can't lose weight if you don't exercise more than 30 minutes. there is a school of thinknig that you start burning more fat after 30 minutes. But I would argue....what if a person exercises for 60 minutes but totally dogs it. personally, I'd rather be a sweaty mess after a super hard 30 minute workout, working my *kitten* off.

    trust me - you don't need to exercise crazy hours to lose weight. Plus - diet is 80% or more of the success to losing weight.

    some people just walk daily - but really watch their food, and they lose weight.

    but if you are good with working out and short on time - workout as hard as you can for that duration. don't worry about doing 60+ mins as long as you really focus and work hard.

    hope that helps
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I work twice a day the 30 mins each, and I am seeing results. Don't get discouraged, just keep pushing yourself as hard as you can.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hello and please do not let this get you dowm. There is somuch "good" advice today from "all" of our health experts. I am not sure if I understand what she is saying but I will tell you that I could not get my heartrate high enough at curves. I only worked out for about 40 minutes and I just could not get into "fat burning" mode. Now my husband whom has worked out for 50 years says that I have a really low heart rate and that is why I have to use the arc trainer to get the calorie burn done! I wish you the best on this journey and ask that you keep your chin up and hang in because you are the only one that can give up on you! Friend me if you would like and stay in touch with the "elder's" bettr known as the ones that have walked this walk before you!! Keep smiling!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    whoa! just read your profile - you outlived all the doc's expectation for terminal cancer! that is amazing and you are a fighter and survivor!

    read your profile as a reminder how strong you are.

    you will easily get past this plateau and start losing weight again.
  • TMafua
    TMafua Posts: 4 Member
    I wonder if you need a new nutritionist? Sounds like you have the right intentions to me. I started this on 4.11 and have lost 15 lbs by following the 'lose 2 lbs a week' plan. I work out 5 days a week and spend 1 hour on the elliptical. I also watch what types of food I am eating. Not all calories are the same, right? One thing I did recently that helped was buy a food scale. I got it for $11 at Fred Meyer. I wasn't as good at estimating portion size as I thought :) Another thing? I have become diligent about logging everything I eat. No matter how small. Stick with it, though. The goal is to become healthy and to feed our bodies with the right types of fuel.
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Your dietician may know about food, but they are wrong about the exercise. Even exercise in 10 minute increments is better than none at all - and it WILL still help!

    If you are following a vegan lifestyle, make ABSOLUTELY SURE you are getting enough protein from other sources. Protein helps you lose weight while building muscle. You do not want to lose weight at the expense of muscle loss!

    Also, if you are exercising every single day, you might want to consider taking a day off each week. When we exercise, we get micro-tears in our muscles. The body will then hold on to water it uses to repair and build the muscle. You may find you lose weight the morning after your "break day".
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    That sounds like a load of poo to me! Anything you do that's healthier than yesterday is a HUGE SUCCESS!

    With the changes that you've make already, you ARE healthier. The weight will follow but don't lose sight of what's really important - which is a road to better health. Weight loss is just the icing on the cake!

  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    I feel your pain. I've been eating well and working out and I feel fitter and more energetic, but no weight loss. It can be a real bummer. hang in there though, and you'll get to where you need to go. You're tough - you *can* do this!
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    It could be what you eating. My friend was sticking to her calorie intake but wasn't losing really any weight, after she changed what she was eating she started losing weight. I'm supposed to eat about 1640 calories a day and even though I exercise I try and stay around the 1640 even though I earn more calories exercising. I notice that even if I exercise, if I don't eat a decent, for example I have pizza I don't lose. My body loves bread and so does my weight so to lose I have to limit myself on breads and potatoes. A lot of it has to do with how your body may process those foods as well. Don't give up hope though sometimes it just takes a bit for your body to catch up on the weight loss fad and then it will happen. I stopped drinking soda and never saw a pound lost from quitting for almost a month then wham I lost like 3.4 lbs in a week. Just keep trying! As for the exercise thing I swear every doctor tells you something different as far as weight loss. I've heard both, that you have to go over 30 mins as well as 30 mins a day is great. I think if you are trying to lose some serious weight then yes try for about 45 mins if you can, if you want to just go with the flow, lose weight at steady pace then 30 mins is probably fine. Don't stress yourself because that right there will help keep the weight on.

    Don't give up ladies it will happen, your body just needs to catch up with your healthy habits. :) Feel free to add me if you would like some support along the way. :)
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    While losing weight is a nice goal to have, the main focus should be on eating the right amount of nutritious food for your body and getting enough exercise to keep you muscles strong (including your heart). Also, by exercising you are allowing your body to consume more nutrients (if you eat back your exercise calories like you're supposed to). With more nutrients your organs will be healthier and so will everything else.

    Focus on the best part of MFP...the ease in which to track your calories and exercise and the accountability of tracking nutritious days with junk food days. And lets not forget the support of the MFP community who believe in the benefits of being healthy.

    Your reward is a healthy YOU.

    Maybe you can write a list of things that you notice as improvements... can walk longer, can lift heavier weights, eat healthier, sleep better...

    Speaking of sleep...make sure you're getting 7-8 hours. The stress of not getting enough sleep can also cause our bodies to hold onto fat. Actually, stress in general can do that which is why I take one yoga class a week...to help alleviate stress and unwind.
  • i agree with everyone on here who is saying that what they told you is a load of BOLOGNA!! don't get discouraged, and play around with your work outs to find what works best for you. i've only been on here for about 10 days, but in the past, ive done brisk walking/jogging for 30 minutes and seen results.

    keep it up!
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    How long have you tried counting calories, working out, etc? Things take time so I wouldn't give up. Try doing what the dietician suggested for a few months and see what happens. If nothing else, you should definitely see/feel the change in your clothes and overall appearance. Remember, you didn't gain weight overnight (though it seems), so don't expect to lose it overnight. The changes you make will help make lifelong better choices. And that comes with time. Best of luck!
  • rosehaus
    rosehaus Posts: 1
    Maybe you can change your ratio of protein, carbs and fat. I know that for me a higher protein and lower carb diet is better. The recommended diet had the carb percentage too high. I've adjusted it to 40% Carb, 30% Protein & 30% Fat. I have success when I eat more lean protein and choose complex carbs. This tends to work well for people like me with glucose intollerance go into the "fat burning mode". Also the reason she may have increased your calories is that your metabolism may need more calories and if you have too little you can go into "starvation" mode which causes you not to lose weight. Food for thought as it were!
  • SJHiker
    SJHiker Posts: 32 Member
    whoa! just read your profile - you outlived all the doc's expectation for terminal cancer! that is amazing and you are a fighter and survivor!

    read your profile as a reminder how strong you are.

    you will easily get past this plateau and start losing weight again.

    Thank you! When my husband asked my Oncologist why I'm not losing weight, he said, "You're healthy!". Ha! Not really the answer I wanted, but "unexplained weight loss" could be a serious sign. You're right. I'll count my Blessings. Now, I'm going for a walk:)
  • SJHiker
    SJHiker Posts: 32 Member
    i agree with everyone on here who is saying that what they told you is a load of BOLOGNA!! don't get discouraged, and play around with your work outs to find what works best for you. i've only been on here for about 10 days, but in the past, ive done brisk walking/jogging for 30 minutes and seen results.

    keep it up!

    Thank you for your support and words of wisdom. I will remember what you said, "..is a load of BOLOGNA!!" and remind myself that I DON'T EAT MEAT and to take THAT bologna out of my diet, too. ! LOL. Well, you got me to smile so thank you:smile:
  • eliza7119
    eliza7119 Posts: 15
    do not give up!!! maybe their is a better diet out there for you. i am starting the scarsdale diet tomorrow!!! wish me luck and i will let you know the results!!!! ps it was recomended by a doctor
  • So sorry you are discouraged. Are you on any meds right now? There are so many that can change your metabolism,
    and thwart weight loss. Also. Not sure about "Curves". If you have been on corticosteroids, there is a very high likelihood
    that you have lost muscle mass. You need to build muscle to burn fat.
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