Why does MFP give allowance for sat fat but not mono or poly fats?

I'm using this'll just to make sure my calls are up and my macros are ringt-ish.
But curios why it gives me a 34g allowance for sat fats and 0g for mono and poly?


  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    This is a reported issue that MFP is now aware of and I hope working to resolve. The poly- and monounsaturated goals used to be not applicable (N/A), but the software programmers for the latest updates apparently do not understand the difference between N/A and zero (0) and now all of the goals and grams remaining are incorrect.
    Please see this discussion thread for a more detailed explanation...
  • jay7720
    jay7720 Posts: 5 Member
    So should you split the total it gives you for sat over all 3. For example it gives me 34g sat fat allowence. Should I aim for sat/mono/poly to all equal 34g or aim for 34g in sat and then say another 20g for poly/mono
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    Goal (Total Fat) = Goal (Saturated) + Goal (Poly) + Goal (Mono) + Goal (Trans)
    Since Goal (Trans) = 0
    Goal (Poly + Mono) = Goal (Total Fat) - Goal (Saturated)

    In other words, take your goal of total fat, subtract out your goal of saturated fat. The remainder goal of fat should be distributed to the sum of poly- and monounsaturated fat, since the goal of trans fat is zero.
  • jay7720
    jay7720 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes! Just realised how stupid that question was. Thanks