Advice on healthy weight loss per week/eating back exercise calories?

Hi guys! So I've been using MFP for almost 2 weeks, and I've lost 6lbs so far (4 in the first week, 2 in the second). I'm 21, 5"7, 'sedentary', and currently at 199lbs. My goal is 160lbs (-45 from my start weight of 205).

My calorie goal is 1200cals a day, which I've stuck to (sometimes I'm under if I exercise), and I work out for at least 30 minutes 5 times a week (burning 200-400 calories each time) doing cardio. Food wise I've been making healthy choices, making sure my diet is balanced and I get good nutrition.

My question is, I've seen a few people on here saying that 2lbs a week isn't a healthy weight loss target? Is that true for me, or is it okay to stick to 2lbs for a bit while I'm starting out then drop it down once I've shifted some of the weight?

I'm also not sure how many calories I should be eating back from exercise, if at all? I know people say the mfp calories tracked aren't accurate but I do workouts that tell you the calorie burn, both highest and lowest, so you can try and estimate your own burn based on effort/weight etc. And I've been eating back 50% (give or take) of exercise calories and it seems to be working for me?

Sorry for the huge post! Just looking for any advice I can get really, thanks :)


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    Hi guys! So I've been using MFP for almost 2 weeks, and I've lost 6lbs so far (4 in the first week, 2 in the second). I'm 21, 5"7, 'sedentary', and currently at 199lbs. My goal is 160lbs (-45 from my start weight of 205).

    My calorie goal is 1200cals a day, which I've stuck to (sometimes I'm under if I exercise), and I work out for at least 30 minutes 5 times a week (burning 200-400 calories each time) doing cardio. Food wise I've been making healthy choices, making sure my diet is balanced and I get good nutrition.

    My question is, I've seen a few people on here saying that 2lbs a week isn't a healthy weight loss target? Is that true for me, or is it okay to stick to 2lbs for a bit while I'm starting out then drop it down once I've shifted some of the weight?

    I'm also not sure how many calories I should be eating back from exercise, if at all? I know people say the mfp calories tracked aren't accurate but I do workouts that tell you the calorie burn, both highest and lowest, so you can try and estimate your own burn based on effort/weight etc. And I've been eating back 50% (give or take) of exercise calories and it seems to be working for me?

    Sorry for the huge post! Just looking for any advice I can get really, thanks :)

    With exception to the first week or two where weight loss can be a bit rapid, I'd generally suggest losing somewhere in a range of .5 to 1% change in bodyweight per week.

    Anecdotally, I tend to favor the low end of that for long term adherence for most of my clients.

    Regarding exercise calories, I really like the idea of eating back 50% as you are doing.

  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    Thanks for the reply! It's good to know I'm doing something right regarding exercise calories.
    I think I'll see how I go with a 2lb goal for my third week, then adjust at the end of it :) I know 2lb isn't a maintainable long term goal, but I'm doing okay on it at the moment. By the sounds of things there's a lot of trial and error as to what suits the individual anyway. Will have to figure out some percentages then :) Thanks again for the speedy reply :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I started at the exact same stats as you, except I was 2x your age...42...

    I started with 1lb a week. It gave me 1460 calories and I typically got about 200 in exercise. So Gross 1600 and I successfully lost 1lb a week on average every week for 25 weeks...and hit my goal of 165.

    I then changed it to 1/2lb a week and thought I would go lower...put my goal at there and kept going to 143 by that time I was lifting and using TDEE of 1700 and switched to maintenance of appx 2300 a day (all the extra exercise)

    I did gain over my comfort zone on vacation this year and have decided to try 140 instead for the summer I am at 1500+jawbone adjustment and it's working great...

    tl;dr...1lb a week is so doable...then when you get close to your goal weight 1/2lb is great makes it easier to transition into maintenance.

  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    Thanks SezxyStef, I love hearing success stories that started out with the same stats as me, that's an amazing amount to lose! congrats :) I'll definitely use your info for future reference, think I'll give it another week or 2 at 2lb, and then drop down to 1, unless I get fed up beforehand :) Thanks for all the helpful information
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    I'm on 1.5lbs loss and eat all my calories I earn through my hrm I lost 2.5lbs last week, do Wats right for you if your struggling keeping to cals just reduce it, if your fine carry on hun! X
  • YoGungHo
    YoGungHo Posts: 4 Member
    My first week I've lost 8.1 lbs.
    I haven't been starving myself been following the first tier daily allowance of 21-day-fix.
    3 cups veggies, 2 cups fruit, 3 cups protein, 1 2/2 cups starches/carbs, 1/3 cup cheese/nuts, 2 tbsp. dressing/seeds, 3 tsp. oils.
    I don't weigh my food at all and I've been full.

    I've cut out all the junk eating such as a half (big) bag of potatoes at night while watching tv or having a huge Costco muffin at night and no snacking all day.

    I substitute things too. I drink whole milk instead of almond milk, or soy milk, or 2 % or whatever because that is what I like. And I'll have just 2 pieces of real bacon instead of 4 pieces of turkey bacon.
    I just like plain old food and I'd rather have less of what I like to eat rather than have more of something that I don't like because I figure I'd better figure it out for the long term instead just short term (1 year or so) for a diet.

    I haven't done any exercise yet.
    Just moving around the house doing more chores is enough for me right now instead of sitting on my butt most of the day and I take the dogs out more frequently for a walk. Mostly "moseying" but I try to go a little faster to make myself puff a little which doesn't take much right now.

    I'm waiting to get established on my food about another week and then start working out on my Weider Bodyworks 5000 I bought on sale at Big5.
    Just start out simply with only 5 reps each of whatever exercises I do on it. I'm hoping to do 5 particular things on it to start on the first "bunny" elevation and then gradually add reps and more positions and some day graduate to the next elevation setting.

    I'm just taking it slowly one step at a time.

    Whew!! sorry for the long post.

  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    Thanks for all the advice guys, it's really helped :) Will definitely keep referring back to it, and it's great to know what works for other people incase I need to change things up or try something new :)