Binge Eating

hannah_mwilliams Posts: 25 Member
edited November 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Often I go through stages where I will barely eat just because of the fact that I'm not hungry and then lately I've been eating like crazy and although I hate to admit, it's been junk food all the time and foods high in fat. I'll binge eat and it's like there's no filling point. How do you guys stop when you feel a binge coming on?


  • callen901
    callen901 Posts: 17 Member
    I just leave. I'll go to the mall, for a walk, or over a friend's house. That usually does the trick for me. Are you incorporating treats into your daily calorie allowance? I use to binge when I deprived myself of my favorite treats/snacks because I once believed in the "good" food and "bad" food myth.
  • hannah_mwilliams
    hannah_mwilliams Posts: 25 Member
    @callen901 Honestly, I haven't been eating the way I should because it seems like every time I try to eat healthy it makes me want junk food more. I've been having a really hard time jumping on the health bandwagon. How do you get your start eating healthy? I feel like I have no motivation
  • callen901
    callen901 Posts: 17 Member
    edited June 2015
    I know the feeling. I'm not that big on "healthy" eating just yet. I'm more focused on weight loss which is different from eating for nutrition. I'm starting small because I believed a lot of misconceptions and I really needed to change my mindset first. I had a garden salad with cheese, bacon pieces and lite ranch dressing earlier but later I'm having fried catfish :p .

    Edited to correct grammatical errors
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    For me, I find that the key to avoiding a binge is to distance myself from specific foods like bread, cakes, cookies, etc. Over time (several weeks) and eating fresh whole (unprocessed) foods, I lose interest in the binge foods. I try to control my environment and not have those foods easily available. I also find that I physically feel so much better when I'm not eating those foods, so I try to focus on this as a means to remind myself that I do not need to eat that stuff. Even the so-called "healthful" bars are just like a candy bar for me and not the least bit satiating for my hunger. Again, these are lessons I learned for myself and may not apply to those reading this and looking for answers. I have struggled with binge-eating from time to time and still occasionally over-do on calories but still try not to stray into the cheesecake aisle... In my reading about binge-eating, they say it is a response to calorie deprivation, so one would be best served by a healthy reduction in calories (rather than a starvation diet). The books also talk about how giving in to the urge to binge re-enforces the behavior, i.e. not good. Easier said than done, right?
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