Looking for people to help me stay on track! Have 200+ to lose & I'm doing it!!!

I have gone on so many diets & tried to change SO many times but I know this is different this time somehow. I have this determination I feel at such a deep level...something I haven't felt before & I don't know how to explain it. As a rule of thumb portion control isn't an issue until I eat a food I really like and sweets. Sweets are like crack to me or something...I eat WAY too many and that's my major area of weakness. You can keep your chips, fried foods, fast food...but give me your sweets, cheese & carbs. My other major healthiness enemy is my activity level. I work a desk job 8+ hours a day...1 1/2 hours in the car...then I come home and because I'm so overweight I sit again. That HAS to change! I'm looking for any and all the help, advise, and encouragement I can get!! Now...off to use my new exercise ball a few minutes before I get ready for church. Have a great day!!


  • ashleigh091092
    ashleigh091092 Posts: 2 Member
    I've tried this app so many times but have no friends who use it! I need motivation too!
  • scottiesgirl1
    scottiesgirl1 Posts: 7 Member
    So..don't know if I am the one to give advice but I can give encouragement. This is my first time using app and what seems to work for me has been the fact that I can write down what I am eating in the food diary. The fact that I can see exactly what I am putting in ,my mouth makes a HUGE difference.I also have a lot of weight to loose and I don't have my desk job anymore but I am dealing with some health issues and I have also gone through the change of life ( wait, was that TMI?)which makes it harder. So , write your food down, and remember that any movement is better than none (go for a walk after dinner) and lastly don't beat yourself up! We are our own worst enemy. Every day is a fresh start. I can do all things through HIM who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13
  • LeonieAshenden
    LeonieAshenden Posts: 2 Member
    I need motivation and a friend!!
  • QuallyLeShay
    QuallyLeShay Posts: 37 Member
    The sweets get me too! I feel your pain all too well. It can be done tho! I'm down 50+ lbs. Didn't find the app until I had lost about 25 of it. Wish I would've had it from day 1. It's so helpful and there is always someone there that gets what you're going through. Reach out to people when you need them. There is no better group of people to celebrate victories with than those that are in the trenches with you!
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    I have 100+ to lose
    I have lost 59 so far
    This app is great if you write it all down
    I have a sweet treat each night ( normally the same thing )
    It will be very hard to cut all sweet things out ( I am type 2 diabetic some times I need sweet things to come out of a hypo )
    Find low cal sweet things only have in the amount you need for week and if you eat them all no more rest of week ( it works for me )
  • hakilmer
    hakilmer Posts: 1 Member
    Don't think of how far you have to go, think about how far you've come. Every little bit you do is a positive step to better health.
  • cadavis08
    cadavis08 Posts: 2 Member
    I am restarting my quest and have 100 to loose by May of next year... I have a HUGE sweet tooth too!! I will encourage you if you encourage me :)
  • popsmum927
    popsmum927 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi tomorrow is my new start day...have a lot of weight to lose...will need some help and motivation along the way x
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    The best advice I can give is to start slow, and work with what you know and the resources available to you.

    If you work a long (sitting) shift, then drive (sitting) home and proceed to rest while sitting, try incorporating a walk into your workday, or better yet two walks, just ten minutes around the block or around your building. Don't treat it like a chore, treat it like a treat! What I loved to do when I had an office job was find a podcast or audiobook I was interested in and use my walks to listen to that. You can also set up a music playlist for yourself. Get a pedometer and start tracking your walks. You are allowed your breaks, so take them.

    Every night, a little bit of planning ahead means you have food at hand that you don't have to stress about or even think about in the moment. You don't need special foods or fancy diet bars or anything, just portion sizes and reasonable foods that hit your macros and calorie goals. I like to make little snack bags with a half a cup of almonds, a few cubes of cheese, or maybe a few pretzel sticks. Some snap peas for crunch, or carrots. If five little meals a day works better for you and keeps you from grabbing the candy, do it. If you have stress-related trigger foods, or foods you know you binge on, the important thing is not to see the food as the enemy or see it as your innate weakness, something that the rest of us are just 'stronger' somehow to resist things. It's not being stronger, it's identifying your stress triggers before they push you to the point of desperation, and it's making the choice to be kind to yourself before you feel out of control. You can have sweets, carbs, cheese, all of it, just not all day, every day. The immediate rush doesn't address the underlying issue of why we crave and binge. I'm not a fan of sweets but put me alone in a room with a wedge of cheese and a baguette and I'll put a hurtin' on that so fast your eyes will spin! When it comes down to it, I just don't allow myself to do that anymore. It's just not worth it.

    So just start by tracking everything and being really honest with yourself. Accept that each morning is a new day and that you are not bound by what you did the day before. Treat your life changes as self-care, honoring yourself, being kind to yourself, not as a punishment for bad behaviors of the past. You are giving yourself a gift! :)
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    have a little ways to go add me I am on here all day most days giving encouragement asking for help when I need it also
  • ForeverCharlie
    ForeverCharlie Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome, Amy. You can do this. The first step is acknowledging what you're doing wrong and the desire to change. The best of luck on your journey to a healthier, stronger YOU!
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Amy! Your post jumped out at me because I'm determined to do this as well. While looking at the summer schedule I realized that I have 12 weeks of summer break before the kids go back to school and I want to use that time to be more active and lose weight and set a good example for them by being healthier. I find that it's easier to break it up into smaller goals so I'm aiming for 20 pounds in 12 weeks. I started a group for support and accountability if you (or anyone) is interested in joining. I'll try to past the link here:
  • Boopydoopy
    Boopydoopy Posts: 1 Member
    I started just under a week ago with the same motivation within myself. A determined feeling that this time was the real time, I'm not doing it to lose weight, I'm doing it to get healthy (the weight loss just happens to be part of it). According to the height/weight healthy calculator I need to lose 100+ (49kg), but if I find myself in a good place for myself before then I will maintain rather than lose. I am not looking for a quick fix, I am looking for a life style change, and since heading into it with this mindset, I have found myself more focused on making sure I get at least that walk in every day with my dog, I make sure that I do a set of squats whenever I get up from my chair. I am struggling slightly with the food, I have always been a carb person, I don't eat chocolate or sweets that much, but give me potato (hot chips, roast potato, potato bake), or pasta and I'm like a kid at Christmas. I caved for the first time yesterday when I went to visit my family, they had hot chips for lunch and I sat down with them and I ate.

    I'm doing this on my own and it's hard because I have no one here to turn around to me and give me that pep talk, Do you really want to eat that? Is it worth all the effort you put in today with exercising, to just throw it away on that one bit of food? And if it is worth it get your butt back out there and give me 100 jumping jacks!

    There are going to be days where we struggle more than others, just don't beat yourself up for it, you are here, you are aware of what needs to be done, it is just a matter of adjusting to the changes.

    Best of luck to all!
  • amathist
    amathist Posts: 24 Member
    Everything you gals are saying I can totally relate too, I'm needing approx 90 pound loss to be back to ME. Really would love some motivation buddies myself. I'm not new to MFP but this time I am DEVOTED to it. Trying to keep under 1200 cal is doing my head in and making me at times depressed *sigh* However in saying that I am determined, my partner has been on his diet plan now for 3 weeks and is doing well, and I'll be damned if I'll let him be the thin one in this relationship hahahah. I am attempting the 2/5 intermittent fasting, my doctor has recommended this as it is supposed to suppress sugar and carb cravings as well as a bonus of a promised 2-4kg weight loss per month. Today is my day 1.
    So lady's please add me for support and I will do my best to communicate every day.
    Good luck everyone xx
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi everyone I have 99 pounds to go. I don't have a sweet tooth but I do have a portion control problem. I try to always keep full so that I don't need to stuff myself at the next meal. I tried doing multiple smaller meals but then I found myself wanting to snack all day. So I switched to just three meals of equal proportion. And now I'm feeling good. If I'm planing to go out to a restaurant for dinner I eat an apple and drink 16 oz of water in the car before I get there. I'm finding that helps me to order a smaller meal or to not stuff myself with bread. The other day I ate dinner at 4:00pm so that when I went to a movie twenty minutes later I didn't feel the need to get popcorn and coke.

    My point of all this is whatever your weakness is start doing different things to address it. Take it one step at a time and then little by little the sweets won't be your enemy.
  • amycfatnomore
    amycfatnomore Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone! :smiley:
  • mhealea
    mhealea Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome Amy and everyone else. just want to say congrats one the first step of your journey. Sweets are one of the hardest thing to giving up and that should be one of your goals to ween yourself off of. Second thing is maybe taking a walk at lunchtime instead of eating lunch.. Some people can get away with eating at their desk thru out the day.. That's what I do at lunch.. third thing is to come up with a meal plan for the week and one that you can live with and not cheat on.. Then force yourself to not sit down as soon as you get home.. if you want you can add me as a friend
  • LoreA1960
    LoreA1960 Posts: 108 Member
    I had 268 lbs. to lose when I started in December and have lost at least 51 lbs. I can't exercise because of disabilities and my doctor suggests pool therapy. My only problem being we are down to one vehicle, have a husband that has to look for work in it, my mother is declining in health rapidly and we have to go see her a lot and on top of that I have a lot of doctor's appointments. It's extremely hard to find the time to get into pool therapy. Hoping to have a miracle and come up with another vehicle. Sorry for venting
  • NickDoesFitness
    NickDoesFitness Posts: 112 Member
    congratulations in deciding to change your life for the better!!! Add me if you'd like! :smile:
  • mmc1216
    mmc1216 Posts: 1 Member
    hi!! you can do it!! i just started today and I am so stoked. I admire your courage and attitude and I want to send you a hug and tons of encouragement. xx