Does this sound like a good plan?

Hi all,
I'm new here to mfp, and I have a goal of losing about 25 pounds. Here are my stats:
18 years old
128 pounds
Plan to workout for about an hour 5 times a week.
I used to be about 100-105 a few years ago, and I was not too skinny, I looked healthy and fit. I am really small boned so right now at 128 lbs I feel extremely uncomfortable, no cloths fit, etc. I gained all the weight from overeating on calorically dense food: sweets, junk, etc. I tend to emotional eat which really packs on the pounds. In terms of working out, I have always been fairly active. I tend to get really motivated and got to the gym 6x week and then binge on unhealthy food and feel motivated to go back for week. The cycle of inconsistent exercise and overeating is tiresome and i'm ready for change.
My plan: My bmr is 1283, so I plan to eat 1400 calories and workout 5x week. Remember I'm, short so I feel this is enough to lose 1 lb a week. My tdee (w/ exercise added in) is 1880. So 1880 minus 500 is 1380, and I'm rounding up to 1400. That should yield a 1 lb loss a week. My question for those who are short or just have had success is, does this sound like a good plan?


  • greekyogurtandpuppies
    greekyogurtandpuppies Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 5'3 and that sounds great!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited June 2015
    Losing 25 pounds will put you right on the cusp of being underweight, even though you sound pretty tiny.

    I suggest rethinking your weight loss goals, don't lose so much weight, but get into a weight lifting program. While you're losing 10 or so pounds, you will retain your muscle mass, and then you can work on body re-composition, which will make you look smaller while you weigh the same or a bit more. The number on the scale doesn't count, how your clothes fit does, and your goal is to fit back into your clothes. :)

    I commend you for taking charge of your goal to change. I encourage you to find a support group for people who have binge eating issues, because then you may be able to get to the bottom of why you binge and then try to burn off the binge with exercise. This behavior is not healthy and is an indicator of disordered thinking and behavior around food, and it's important for you to have support.

    Hang in there. :)

    ETA: what you eat has nothing to do with weight loss, because weight loss is calories in/calories out.
  • threehoursfromsundown
    What sort of exercise do you plan to do?
  • emily23dw
    emily23dw Posts: 14 Member
    @greekyogurtandpuppies thank you for your input!
    @SLLRunner thank you for your thoughtful message. I totally understand that losing 25 lbs sounds like too much, so I'll see how I feel as I go. I have tried getting into weights but I find I enjoy cardio/resistance/hiit ( bodyweight with some weights added in with plyo moves) type circuits more. I binge because of a past history of a restrictive diet that started my binge eating. I'm definitely working on getting it under control and having a good relationship with food!
    @threehoursfromsundown I plan to do resistance/bodyweight/plyo circuits 3 times a week ( they're really challenging and have some weights in them too).And cardio ( either the elliptical/bike/treadmill) on the other 2-3 days.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I am not short, but that sounds like a reasonable and healthy plan.

    Make sure you get enough protein, fiber and fluids in your diet. If you feel full and satisfied, are you less likely to binge eat?