Looking for others needing to lose 100+ pounds



  • teepandee84
    teepandee84 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 100 to lose and would love to be involved in any type of support group. Keep me posted!
  • Stephy1j
    Stephy1j Posts: 3 Member
    Yep me to.. I have 100 pounds to lose . Burpee number 3! Ah puffed
  • src111803
    src111803 Posts: 11 Member
    Does anyone else end up with headaches by the end if the day when dieting?
  • KerianneLanglois
    KerianneLanglois Posts: 3 Member
    My goal is 125 pounds. I started last year and lost 50 and then gave up. I was able to keep it off though and maintain so this week I started again. 75 more to go!! I need to keep it up so pls friend request me. Let's motivate each other :)
  • Rufeyb
    Rufeyb Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose 100+ plus pounds & I need all the support & encouragement that I can get! I just turned 45 & my kids are all grown & it seems like my will power flew out the window. Ferl free to add me...
  • loves639
    loves639 Posts: 3 Member
    1swolpanda wrote: »
    hey everybody, i am down now 110 lbs and have been through this journey, if anybody in here needs help i am here to help, i will do my best to get everybody here to their goals if i have to work for it all day!!! just send a friend request and ask all the questions you need!!!!

  • loves639
    loves639 Posts: 3 Member
    Wat do u do when ur cholesterol and triglycerides are up past spas level and u gotta loose weight quick?
  • pureevilkiss
    pureevilkiss Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone...Im new to the site and as most replies I too have 100+ to lose. Im not sure how to add friends yet..but please feel free to add me...Im looking for encouragement and some tips..and am more than willing to give it back. Lets do this!! B)
  • rubygal90
    rubygal90 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 120lbs to lose. Everyone is welcome to add me please.
  • mellyboo17
    mellyboo17 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey there! Congrats on being here and changing your life for the better! I have about 150lbs I am trying to lose, would love to help each other out and anyone else who needs encouraging, feel free to add me!
  • LoreA1960
    LoreA1960 Posts: 107 Member
    I have over 200 pounds to lose. Started on my journey December 16th and have lost at least 51 pounds since then. I am currently only weighing in when I see my Diabetic Educator once a month, but sometimes that's a little frustrating. I count carbs and calories and cannot exercise because of my disabilities.
  • jtreynoldson1182
    jtreynoldson1182 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, yall. I started up on here to lose between 100 and 105. Not a yoyo dieter or anything. Just work 12 to 16 hour days in the food industry. Things happen and in four years I went from 205 to 298. So I'm attempting to lose 100 lbs before my next Birthday. Down about 35 so far and Five months to get there. Losing weight isn't the issue for me, I worry more about maintenance. Staying there once I get there.
  • bennettcfd
    bennettcfd Posts: 2 Member
    I have around 100 to lose any or all can add all the help I can get will be great
  • andrea_rossi123
    andrea_rossi123 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm looking to lose 100 pounds as well. I always start off well and then give up..it's been a cycle for quite some time. It would be awesome if I could stick to it this time.
  • mjlevesque24
    mjlevesque24 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello I'm 24 years old, I'm new to the app I started logging last week, I need to lose another 140 pounds. I've lost 55 pounds since April 2014 when I was diagnosed with intracranial hypertension. I'm hoping with this app I'll be able to lose the rest a little quicker. Anyone can add me :smile:
  • TexasRattler78
    TexasRattler78 Posts: 10 Member
    I have a very much weight to lose 2 to 3 hundred lbs. I got a Garmin Vivofit2 11 days ago and I have lost 9 lbs so far. I have a very long way to go and have already had some road blocks and I sure could use a support system of like people who understand what each other are going through.
  • ange0126
    ange0126 Posts: 1 Member
    I have lost 65 lbs and need to lose about 100 more. I have been at it since Sept 2014. Send me a request if you would like. I will add some too. :smiley:
  • TwylahOnTrack
    TwylahOnTrack Posts: 21 Member
    Yes! I have seen a lot of people who want to tone up for summer or get a little leaner...UM I need a body overhaul! Definitely a totally different mindset and struggle. Count me in, I have no idea what I'm doing, I just know something has got to give!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    My goal is 110 pounds. I have been working on this for several years and am *fairly* close.

    I have some big health challenges that are making it hard for me to get there, but I am fabulous at maintaining what I have already lost. :)

    Feed free to add me.
  • pureevilkiss
    pureevilkiss Posts: 4 Member
    Had a great day today...meal prepped for the week..chopped a bucket of salad..bagged fruits and veggies so its easier for me to be mindful and grab a handful of preplanned than head over to "the bad takeout place"...how's your day going? :)