struggle EVERY day.... tried many different diets

mpep3us Posts: 6 Member
Hi..I just turned 55....I am overweight....5 ft 5 in 241 of 2 daughters ages 19 and 22......i am so sick of trying different diets and never sticking with them...weight watchers drop out many times...successful last time with 49 pounds lost...then I fell back in old habits...hard to stick to the points...have tried advocare recently...way too many vitamins to take every day.....trying 21 day fix now...cant stick to that either...if i want is not really on the program unless its fruit basically.....and i find exercise video with 21 day fix difficult..i dont like it...i drink the shakeology nutrition shake daily.......wondering if i should try fitness pal and just do an exercise i like to do.....i went dress shopping today...came away hating myself ! UGH! any thoughts ?? Thanks : )


  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I'm 52 with about 80lbs to lose. Like you, I've been a WW member and drop out many times. I looked into the 21 Day fix, but was too cheap to buy it. lol I have a terrible sweet tooth and sometimes struggle with logging food everyday. This is me being honest. With that being said, I know a lot of success stories here on MFP and know if I/we stick with it, it will work. For exercise, I started walking. It's something I can do and not get discouraged. I hate clothes shopping too. We have to be accountable to ourselves and know that we'll feel better. Don't look at the big picture. Break your goals into small ones, take one day at a time. Make a mistake?? Pick yourself up, brush off the crumbs and continue on. We can do this!!!
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    edited June 2015
    I see you're in Lockport. I grew up in Greece and live in Williamson now. Almost neighbors. ;)
  • mpep3us
    mpep3us Posts: 6 Member
    Donna..Thank you for those encouraging words !! I appreciate it . Did you just start MFP ? I was starting to do walk away the pounds videos but the 21 day coach said to to do the videos that go with it...but i dont like them..even when i modify them....a few years ago i did zumba alot but my work schedule changed and didnt allow even that seems too hard at this i guess i need to build up to a higher , stronger point....not just jump into a hard work out......thanks for writing back to my 1 st post... : ) keep up the good work .
  • Suzley
    Suzley Posts: 58 Member
    This app really works if you really want to be healthier, I mean really want it! But it's going to take time. I've come to terms with that now. With this app it's not a diet, it's just a way to make sure you don't over eat. So log everything! Even when you have a bad day and go over, log it all! You will get used to realistic portion sizes and you will choose the food not the other way round. You will have days when you just want to binge - don't beat yourself up and give up. Just accept it's a bad day, then move on and start again. Eat the foods you want, anything, just make sure you stay in the calorie goal. I struggle a lot but I want to lose another 3 stone and feel comfortable in clothes. I have spent 40 years avoiding exercise, I am sooooo unfit! But I now walk for an hour a day and I feel the difference. On Sunday I did a 5k race for the first time! Only walked it but it was an achievement! You really can do this, just get organised and plan to succeed. And realise it might take a year............ Good luck!
  • Suzley
    Suzley Posts: 58 Member
    This app really works if you really want to be healthier, I mean really want it! But it's going to take time. I've come to terms with that now. With this app it's not a diet, it's just a way to make sure you don't over eat. So log everything! Even when you have a bad day and go over, log it all! You will get used to realistic portion sizes and you will choose the food not the other way round. You will have days when you just want to binge - don't beat yourself up and give up. Just accept it's a bad day, then move on and start again. Eat the foods you want, anything, just make sure you stay in the calorie goal. I struggle a lot but I want to lose another 3 stone and feel comfortable in clothes. I have spent 40 years avoiding exercise, I am sooooo unfit! But I now walk for an hour a day and I feel the difference. On Sunday I did a 5k race for the first time! Only walked it but it was an achievement! You really can do this, just get organised and plan to succeed. And realise it might take a year............ Good luck!
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    Welcome. Maybe this will be the beginning of something good for you. I can't do a video I don't like either. You'll laugh if I tell you the only videos I like are Richard Simmons' 'Dancin' to the oldies.' lol And I loved Weight Watchers way back before points. Ended up eventually liking 'Points' but not Points Plus! Hope you like it here. -carol
  • aeb1014
    aeb1014 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't give up on the 21 Day gets easier. I am on day 1 of Round 4 & have lost over 20 pounds & 20 inches! Are you in a challenge/accountability group? That helps keep me motivated!
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    edited June 2015
    Maybe the first step is just to add in "easy" exercise like walking. (I put "easy" in quotes because I hate to exercise -- but I think I'd hate a video or the gym even more, lol). At the moment I'm using my daughter's simple Nike Fuelband (she bought something else) and I set my first goal at 2,000 steps a day. Yesterday I was at around 1,400 before dinner so after dinner I went for a walk. I didn't think I'd like just walking but I listened to music and it was okay. I'm thinking that I might listen to books or podcasts instead. We will see.

    So maybe something like that, for now? And just making small changes in food. Like for me I'm making sure that my snacks have NO processed white carbs. That's it for now. I'll see if it makes any difference at the end of the week when I weigh myself.