21 years old, 50 lbs left to lose - Anyone inspiring or motivating I would love some help

MeglJames Posts: 18 Member
Hi there, my name's Meg. I'm 21 years old, just finished my second year of university and I am tired of putting off my weight loss journey for temporary things. I've already lost 42lbs since my school days but I have another 50lbs to go until I hit my target weight (170)

I now have 4 months free from University to really focus on my exercise and workout plans. I am starting the 30 day shred (for the second time) on the 1st July and I walk often. I also try to incoporate crunches, push ups and cardio as often as possible. I want to join a local gym too to take advantage of the exercise classes - has anyone had any luck with zumba/aerobics/HIIT?

I would like to lose around 20lbs before I go back in october but becoming healthy and happy is my main goal and it would be wonderful to have motivating friends on here who may be in similar situations. We can inspire each other! please feel free to add me! :)


  • jerharris25
    jerharris25 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 21 as well looking to lose around 45 pounds. So I'm right there with you!
  • badge83
    badge83 Posts: 23 Member
    Newbie here. Would like some motivational friends who can guide me in the best food and exercise programme to use. What works and what doesn't work.
  • vmnewlife2012
    vmnewlife2012 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 43 years old and would love to go down to my weight before I had children, 125 lbs. I have tried over the years countless diets and exercise routines. None work. Unless you make that commitment with yourself. I was at my heaviest 3 years ago and managed to get down to 146 but this year I put on another 20, in ONE year. On May 25 I decided I was no longer going to sabotage myself. My goal is to do some type of activity EVERYDAY about my weight loss. It doesn't matter what. Some days I run, others I do the elliptical, others I go for a walk. I stand by my bed before the morning starts and I do 20 squats, 20 jumping jacks, and 30 sit ups and if I have the energy I do it again at night. I'm happy to share from June1-7 I lost 4Lbs. and 2 inches over all. Don't wait for a certain date, start now. Trust me, you will be happy you did. I know I am!
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    Hi! I'm also 21 and finishing my second year of Uni :) I want to lose 45lbs (well, 38 now, I've already lost 7 haha). My targets pretty similar to yours too at 160, Would be great to have friends with a similar goals etc :)