Busy Mom with Weight to Lose!

I always thought being a busy mom of two would keep me in shape. Boy, was I wrong! I weigh more now that I ever have in my life and I hate myself for it. I'm obese, and it's my fault.

I stopped exercising because it was too much trouble to drag the kids to the gym. I stopped cooking healthy beacuse the kids wouldn't eat it. I stopped doing anything for myself because my kids came first, and isn't that what any great mom does?

No, because now I don't get down on the floor with my children because it hurts to get back up. I don't run after them because I get winded after five seconds. I can't carry them on my back very far because I no longer have the strength. By putting my children first and neglecting myself, I now am unable to enjoy my children on a daily basis.

Depression, anxiety, and stress haven't helped. An understanding husband who loves me despite of my size hasn't helped. Crash diets haven't helped. I need a lifestyle change. Permanent and unrelenting. Never looking back on my old ways and embracing new habits that put me and my health first on occasion.

I have over 100 pounds to lose. I would be happy with 75 pounds. I have no desire to be skinny. I want to be healthy and strong.


  • PaulaRicco
    PaulaRicco Posts: 35 Member
    You're honesty is so refreshing, it sounds like you are ready to embrace change. Joining MFP has helped keep me motivated and accountable in so many ways, I hope it does the same for you :) I have had many set backs myself and I just want you to know that you can always move forward, no matter what. Congratulations on your new journey, cheers!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    You're in the right place. MFP that is. It is very good that you have recognized the necessity of balancing yourself and your children in the who comes first debate. Obviously you cannot be everything to your children without making improvements to yourself.

    I cannot relate to your specific situation (busy mom of two), so I won't even try to offer advice but I will say there are wonderful people on this site that have been and still are where you are at...and have succeeded greatly.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Also, kudos for spelling lose correctly. You'll understand if you hang around long enough haha.
  • moledew
    moledew Posts: 71 Member
    Honey, you are preaching to the choir. I'm sending you a friend request! We're almost in the exact same boat here and I love having other moms walking in my shoes for motivation.
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey!! I'm a mom of two girls age 7 and 5... I work full time plus both girls are in soccer and Girl Scouts.. I'm part of out service unit board for Girl Scouts.. I make time to run 4 times a week and I cook kinda healthy.. I am teaching my girls to like the foods I cook by having them try it even if they say they don't like them.. Friend me if you want to. We can help each other out!!
  • kraft_kris
    kraft_kris Posts: 157 Member
    Also, kudos for spelling lose correctly. You'll understand if you hang around long enough haha.
  • kdewey7
    kdewey7 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome to mfp! The best advice I have gotten is to schedule your workouts. If possible try for the same time each day. Knowing when I am working out helps me prioritize it and get it done. And log EVERYTHING you eat.