Tips for staying motivated?

My goal is to lose about 80 pounds. Last year, I was able to lose almost 30 pounds but gained it all back when I got in a relationship. I'm now single and I'm trying to get in better shape before meeting someone I met on the Internet. I need motivation!!!


  • TheSurge0n
    TheSurge0n Posts: 113 Member
    Good luck & keep working out.
  • tarebare11
    tarebare11 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been on here for a few years, and just from experience I'll tell you that what you eat is most important. Obviously, working out a few times a week is beneficial, but nutrition (at least for me) determines whether or not I lose weight. I try to work out 5 or 6 times a week and count calories every day. It can be difficult, but it's worth it. :smile:
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Small goals, baby steps- you lost it before and you can do it again. Make small changes and then slowly incorporate more changes - of course log and weigh everything - that is a given. Find exercise that you LOVE so you will always want to do it and really miss it when you can't. Reward yourself with every 10 pounds - whatever works for you. Keep at it and don't give up!
  • taentea
    taentea Posts: 91 Member
    Motivation is usually the highest at the beginning. Use it to build habits. Motivation comes and goes, habits stay.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    drea_dear_ wrote: »
    My goal is to lose about 80 pounds. Last year, I was able to lose almost 30 pounds but gained it all back when I got in a relationship. I'm now single and I'm trying to get in better shape before meeting someone I met on the Internet. I need motivation!!!

    Isn't it funny how relationships can do that, sometimes? I gained 10 back after moving in with the boyfriend. I started logging again because I swear it didn't seem like I changed anything about my diet (though if I gained, obviously, I did!)

    Regarding remaining motivated: there are going to be more days when you're not motivated than days when you are. The "trick" is finding a calorie deficit total that you can stick to mindlessly, that doesn't leave you feeling starved or sick, but is still enough to end up with results. That way, it can carry you through those days when you're not feeling the "YAY! WEIGHTLOSS!!" excitement we some times do in the beginning. Consistency is always the key, so find a deficit total that's sustainable.

    As for exercise - it can be a great mood booster, can result in more energy, and can earn you a few more calories in your daily total. However, although it's great for general health, it's not necessary for weight loss. Form an exercise plan that will help you get stronger and feel better, but if you end up missing a few days here and there, don't worry.

    Source: A ton of experience flying up and down the scale on complicated diets while busting my butt with exercise; three years of success by living with a simple CICO philosophy.
  • rd2bme
    rd2bme Posts: 14 Member
    Honestly I keep a motivation picture at my phone screen saver and when I'm feeling like cheating food wise I look up fitness motivation on Pinterest. I don't allow anything to distract me because I tunnel vision haha when I don't want to go to the gym I again look up motivation via YouTube trainers or Pinterest. It works for me maybe it could for you
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I go to classes with trainers who inspire me or I go for a trail run and focus on being out in nature. I also do silly tweaks that only I would notice like putting colored stickers on my calendar to represent different types of workouts (circuit training, spin, or a run). This gives me an overall picture of how active my week has been.
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    ardysedwardsmcgrath Posts: 120 Member
    all good advice here! :) & yes i know how u feel once ur in a relationship u get comforable&seems like dont care anymore.. cuz u have some1that likes u for u. Seems like b4when single u'r all movitated&doing superb&wanna look great,feel great&be healthy ! :) good luck to u .. id also lost 30lbs last yr &then over holidays&death of my mother i gain back 15lbs now it seems impossible to get it off. :( but i still keep trying to do my excersiing.. biking&walkin for now but i d like to get back into working out but$ is tight right now. Im reading this book that says just get on the scale once a month&take measurements go by how your cloths feel on how u'r losing.. Sometimes gettin on that scale like does mind tricks to ya.. does me anyway.. keep us update :)