Sudden Cravings/Binging - Need advice

Okay, so I've recently just hit my goal weight, I've gone from a size 14 to a size 8. I was feeling really proud of myself and so good until 3 weeks ago when I found myself craving food I haven't been that bothered about for quite some time. I've literally spent the last 3 weeks eating cake, cookies and sugary cereals. Even though my weight has only changed slightly I am starting to panic that I won't be able to get back to my usual healthy eating habits and will gain weight very quickly. How does everyone deal with sudden cravings and the feelings you have after eating something more than once when you know you shouldn't?

If I go back to my usual amount of calories tomorrow will the slight gain be lost by the end of the week or will it take longer because it was gained over a period of 3 weeks?

Feeling pretty low at the moment and super disappointed in myself.


  • momentofmadness
    momentofmadness Posts: 7 Member
    edited June 2015
    K0233 wrote:
    Okay, so I've recently just hit my goal weight

    Well done ! Annoyingly, I think it's this thinking that sabotaged your thoughts but at least you're onto it before it's too late so go bin all the rubbish out of the cupboards and celebrate your size 8 bod ;)

    Just to go back to your routine and all will be well, that's a MFP promise !
  • SVLG91
    SVLG91 Posts: 2 Member
    This happened to me, too! Just recommit, and maybe set a non-food reward for 1 week of staying within your limit to help you get back on track. Also, go buy a few healthy snacks you know you like and keep them prepped and readily available. Drink extra water. This probably happens to most people at some point, but you CAN get back on track and remember how much better you feel once you're back in control of your weight. Good luck!
  • K0233
    K0233 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you very much both :smile: I appreciate all that's been said!

    Will get back to it and fingers crossed i'll be feeling better in no time! Thanks again :smile:
  • EFB812
    EFB812 Posts: 3 Member
    This sounds a little crazy, but the best way that I've beat my cravings is to minimize eating dairy. I have no idea why, but the minute I have a Greek yogurt, a slice of cheese, or some sour cream, I feel a craving to mindlessly eat, especially starchy/sugary foods. It's a personal experience, but maybe you have a type of food/food group that causes the same kind of reaction. Any significant diet changes in the past few weeks (other than the cravings?)
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    How restrictive is your regimen? Are you depriving yourself of foods you love? I control binges by saving room for a decadent dessert that fits into my calorie goal nearly every day.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    1 lb of fat = 3500 calories, so it depends on how much of a deficit you normally eat with and how much you actually binged. Using these two figures though, you might be able to estimate how long it will take you to lose it. In any case, don't worry too much, since you're aware of the issue and are trying to fix it. Just keep going and, as others have said, maybe allow yourself a treat in your calorie allotment once and a while. Personally speaking, this has really helped me control binging.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Our bodies aren't very happy when we lose weight. I think the sudden cravings are its way of trying to get back to where we were before. For me, the more sugar I eat, the more I want and the longer it takes me to get things under control again. I often just need to cut it out entirely for a period of time.
  • judi1063
    judi1063 Posts: 4 Member
    I recently had the same problem. I lost all control for 2 days. I know that I gained and am afraid to get on the scale. My clothes are tight and I feel terrible. Today I got back on track. I'm mad at myself for going backwards.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I cut out cravings and food binges by allowing myself to eat what I wanted in moderation, and by not eating too low calorie. Losing weight by cutting out entire food groups or making certain foods off limits has always resulted in me gaining my weight back. I have lost almost 70lbs and kept it off for over two years by eating what I want in moderation. I have also found out that I love to lift weights and be active.