Need new friends!

Hi! I was on my fitness pal last year, and I did amazing with it. I fell off the wagon, but I'm trying to get back at it! I'm looking for friends like me! I'm 5'3 at 172 pounds. My goal weight is 140. Add me!


  • ZeeBee81
    ZeeBee81 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I started on here about 3mth ago.. same as you 5'3, started at 161lb and am now down to 153. My goal too is 140
  • KeepRunning27
    KeepRunning27 Posts: 28 Member
    You're doing fantastic! !! Keep up the amazing work! I need to follow in your footsteps
  • alexanderjvirdi
    alexanderjvirdi Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! I was on my fitness pal last year, and I did amazing with it. I fell off the wagon, but I'm trying to get back at it! I'm looking for friends like me! I'm 5'3 at 172 pounds. My goal weight is 140. Add me!

    You're doing fantastic! !! Keep up the amazing work! I need to follow in your footsteps

    Hey miss keep running , how are you ? Are you running now lol
  • SalluR
    SalluR Posts: 180 Member
    hi ! I'am 5'4 . I was 196lb and now 182lbs .My goal weight is 143lbs. Add me. We can motivate and support each other to reach our goals. :smile:
  • NattySchmatty
    NattySchmatty Posts: 103 Member
    Anyone is free to add me as well. I am 5'3, started here at 178 lbs, currently 161, goal is 140
  • Mccmack
    Mccmack Posts: 195 Member
    I'll add you. I'm 230, looking to get to 200. Same amount of weight you are looking to lose.
  • KeepRunning27
    KeepRunning27 Posts: 28 Member
    You're all inspiring me! It's going to be a hard journey. Just need to keep making the right choices :)
  • alexanderjvirdi
    alexanderjvirdi Posts: 27 Member
    What's your name ? We can't keep calling you forest ! Lol
  • ItsCali7
    ItsCali7 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm NEW! I'm 145lbs wanna get to 120lbs, although I don't really wanna watch my weight, since I wanna built muscles too. I'm 5'5 and motivated :)
  • Cocoa1020
    Cocoa1020 Posts: 197 Member
    Add me too! I'n 25 years old 215 lbs, i want to get down to 150!
  • ilsabeauchamp
    ilsabeauchamp Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Y'all! I'm a SAHM of 5 girls (yes, that is correct) and we Homeschool so they're with me all day everyday. I started MFP last year to loss the baby weight from my 4th daughter and I did really good, I lost about 15lbs and then we got pregnant again unexpectedly and I got really depressed and just kinda gave in to my pregnancy fatigue and cravings and gained about 20lbs. Now, I'm at 166 and my goal weight is 130. I need friends who are active on MFP and cheer me on and who are cool with me cheering them on and pushing them to do their best. You tell me your goals and I'll tell ya mine and we can get there together :)