Motivation for beginners

Today I begin my journey. It will be a long one but I hope it will be worth every second. I'm going to be working on loosing 80LBS! I could use some help and motivation along the way. I'd like to be serious about my health for a change and have friends who can help me stay on track. Feel free to add me for motivation and support!
-Sara Beth


  • jhbiele
    jhbiele Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I just started this past weekend- would love it if we could help each other!
  • lnberl2
    lnberl2 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too!
  • ar_burton76
    ar_burton76 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Sara Beth,
    I'm new to this too, having just started last Wednesday. My goal is to lose 65 lbs that I have somehow managed to pack on in the last 4 years! Would love to be friends and help keep each other motivated!
  • Astrid1995
    Astrid1995 Posts: 5 Member
    Im new on here aswell, would love to try and help you stay motivated
  • sbha232
    sbha232 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm now friends with everyone who has commented I hope we can all share the support for one another! Thank you!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    Dont panic, break it down into baby steps and mini diets, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 1lb, 5lb, 10lb. If you do each one of these well then you build and it gives you progress. that encourages you that you cna do it. Keep in mind why you are doing it things that are pushing you and the advantages when you get there.

    Dont panic if you take a wrong step just log and move on trying to learn and make better choices the next day.
    Dont demonise food, do weigh it.
    Do be consistent.
    Try and aboid stress worry and frustration, but calmly adapt and learn.

    If you are at a consistent deficit you will lose over time 100%.

    Be patient 1lb a week is an idea of how long it might take.
  • HappyHannah0304
    HappyHannah0304 Posts: 21 Member
    I need motivation and support too! This isn't my first time on mfp but I fell off track a couple months ago and want to start strong this time!
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Dont panic, break it down into baby steps and mini diets, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 1lb, 5lb, 10lb. If you do each one of these well then you build and it gives you progress. that encourages you that you cna do it. Keep in mind why you are doing it things that are pushing you and the advantages when you get there.

    Dont panic if you take a wrong step just log and move on trying to learn and make better choices the next day.
    Dont demonise food, do weigh it.
    Do be consistent.
    Try and aboid stress worry and frustration, but calmly adapt and learn.

    If you are at a consistent deficit you will lose over time 100%.

    Be patient 1lb a week is an idea of how long it might take.

    100% agree with breaking your goals into mini goals.

    OP: since you are new, you may benefit from reading some of the stickies:
  • sbha232
    sbha232 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you all!! :)
  • Jimsterintexas
    Jimsterintexas Posts: 53 Member
    1st, your mind has to be in the right place. 2nd, have a solid plan to follow to reach your goals. 3rd, be consistent. 4th, be patient. 5th, be happy with any weight losses no matter how big or small, don't sweat it if your weight stays the same for a while, or even goes back up a smidge (if this happens, see # 4). 6th, have faith in yourself, invest in your health, and love yourself. I wish you all the best. Jim.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Also added you! We have about the same amount to lose. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • sbha232
    sbha232 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you Jim!! That was very good advise and encouraging words! & Thanks for the add woznube7! I'm excited to have motivation and try my best to be a motivator as well!!
  • Shiversdem
    Shiversdem Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi everyone, I started about 1 week ago again! I keep starting and stopping. I need to lose about 20-25lbs but can't seem to shift a pound no matter what I do. I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred last Monday which I'm really loving so far, even though I hate exercising!
  • sbha232
    sbha232 Posts: 42 Member
    Its a good start! But like I tell everyone else make exercise fun or you'll stop exercising and looking at it like a chore before you know it! Good luck & feel free to add new friends for some extra motivation!
  • ashleyhetzel92
    ashleyhetzel92 Posts: 16 Member
    hey! i just started as well, started at 316 lbs and am down to 291. I have a youtube channel to document my journey :) add me and we can motive each other :)
  • sbha232
    sbha232 Posts: 42 Member
    OMG!! You are making so much progress!!! I'm so proud of you!! You're added bug!( :
  • Cocoa1020
    Cocoa1020 Posts: 197 Member

    this is my first day on this site after a 3 year pause. I'm looking to lose 50 lbs and get fit.

    I've been working out since october and not seeing much progress. I also struggle with motivation. hoping to make some friends to help keep me motivated and share stories with!
  • SalluR
    SalluR Posts: 180 Member
    Hi ! I still have to lose 40lbs , needs your support and motivation so we can together reach our goals. :-)
  • shortti33
    shortti33 Posts: 4 Member
    I am hoping to lose 40lbs. Any motivation would be great :)
  • sbha232
    sbha232 Posts: 42 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well!!