Need constant motivation

Chiema Posts: 13 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
Looking for encouragement and friends! it is so difficult to stay on track and motivated. I have over 100 lbs to lose so staying on track is is not only hard it feels down right impossible!


  • acarden45
    acarden45 Posts: 1 Member
    If you have a pic of yourself at your goal weight make copies of it and put it wherever temptation lies, cabinets, fridge, your wallet (so that when you go to purchase food you remember to put the bad stuff back). I also find it helpful to buy an outfit in the size you want to be. No one likes to waste money ( or a cute outfit)
  • laurakelly6
    laurakelly6 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey Chiema! Would love to be friends and help with encouragement! You've made the first right move and got this app, which is incredible for weight loss!
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Motivation will come and go. Start small- baby steps and change just a few things and when those become habits change a few more things. Think of it in 10 pound increments and find small rewards for every 10 pounds- ideas include manicure, pedicure, new clothes, massage, etc. Just keep going no matter what. You will have good days and bad days- just log the bad ones like the good ones and move on. Don't let one meal or even one day derail you. Don't weigh yourself the morning after a high calorie, high sodium meal- wait a day or two. Also take pictures! You will see a difference in each one (maybe take once a month). Take measurements too. You can do this. Sometimes I read the success forums for some inspiration.
  • Sunlight2012
    Sunlight2012 Posts: 2 Member
    Need to lost 125 and with in two week able to lost 3 pound.