Looking for a fitness buddy!

I'm 20 years old from London I've lost 20lbs so and I'm tying to lose 80 more pounds started off at 250 lbs trying to get to 150 ultimately! So I definitely need a dedicated person to hold accountable and to also motivate as well I am a life coach so we can motivate each other with fitness and in other life issues!


  • heathertwins
    heathertwins Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm interested in accountability as well. I'm 40, from New Jersey (in the U.S.). I lost almost 100 pounds about 6 years ago, then I got pregnant with twins and gained it all back when they were babies. (They're 4 now.) I've lost 7, have about 70-80 to go. Very motivated right now, exercising and eating right, and I want to stay that way!
  • judithvduijn
    judithvduijn Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, im new here and i also look here for people that can motivate me :) maybe we can motivate each other? Add me if you like :)
  • eveaugust7
    eveaugust7 Posts: 5 Member
    That's awesome! How are you finding fitting exercise and dieting with kids? Is it difficult? @heathertwins