Hello everyone

ZombieParkour Posts: 10 Member
edited June 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Chelsea. I started this app 3 days ago. I am really excited to start my journey to a better life. A little back story in me:
12 years ago I weighed 125 pounds and I was in shape and took great care of my health. I became pregnant and had a beautiful little girl. During my pregnancy I gained 100 pounds. After my daughter I would go to the gym and eat well and still couldn't get the weight off so eventually I gave up. I steadily gained weight through out the years and now I'm scared for my health and wellbeing. I went to a wonderful doctor who works with obese people and has gotten me on the right path. I'm extremely motivated and I will succeed. 3 days ago I weighed in at 280 pounds. It is nice to know I will never have to be that weight ever again. My doctor had me download this app to help me stay on track daily with my diet and exercise.
So there is the beginning of my story and I'm excited for the future. :)


  • ZombieParkour
    ZombieParkour Posts: 10 Member
    This is my starting point
  • dangergirlnga
    dangergirlnga Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome, Chelsea, from a fellow pink-haired girl! I gained about 15 by choice while I was playing roller derby, then when I broke my back (playing derby), I gained about 30 that I didn't want. Now I'm working to take as much of it as I can back off. I'm not trying to be skinny, just healthier & fitter -- back to my derby fighting weight when I was in the best shape of my life. I'm in Brooklyn, NY, by the way. Where are you?
  • ZombieParkour
    ZombieParkour Posts: 10 Member
    I live in Fort Myers, FL. I completely understand. I don't want to be skinny, I just want to be healthy. Love the pink hair! I am a hair stylist and I love lots of color lol. My hair has been every color. Normal is boring.
  • oletanaomi
    oletanaomi Posts: 13 Member
    Hello :) Good luck on your journey! I haven't been using this app long but it's great it will really help you.
  • Michaelxo444
    Michaelxo444 Posts: 225 Member
    Heyyy girll good luck on your journey you got this I love you hair (:
  • ZombieParkour
    ZombieParkour Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you :) I love the vibrant things in life lol