Starting... Again (Can anyone relate?)

nikt3a1 Posts: 6 Member
Well I started a few months back and life hit me with a few curve balls. Trying to get back on my feet, to commit myself to a better, healthier me. Can anyone relate?


  • marky1965
    marky1965 Posts: 220 Member
    Yep I know I can and wouldn't be the only one
  • kansas_km
    kansas_km Posts: 73 Member
    Same thing happened to me. We gotta stick with it this time.
  • kriswby
    kriswby Posts: 7 Member
    Same, I've been getting better at it. You can do it best of lucks :)
  • sc692374
    sc692374 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I think many people can relate. I can relate. I have lota of weight to lose and was doing really well. I'd been exercising everyday and had lost around 30kgs and then my dad passed away and when my appetite returned I put on the 30kgs I lost plus 2 more. 5 years later I'm in a position to start again but boy is it daunting! Its life unfortunately and we can do this. We only fail when we stop trying so don't give up and don't even think of it as re-starting. Just think of it as the start of your new chapter in life. I wish you much success. Keep strong willed! Sue
  • nikt3a1
    nikt3a1 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words. Nothing's simple, unfortunately but I'll keep working on a healthier me. One day at a time!
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    {raises hand} -- I need to lose at least 50 pounds. ugh. Yes, one day at a time is the best advice I think. And "baby steps". For me, rather than just jumping in 100% I'm trying to make changes gradually. So I'm starting with adding in exercise (walking for me), cutting out processed junk (cookies, etc.), and tracking everything I eat. Tracking has been an eye-opener, that's for sure. lol

    We can do it!
  • bluecutipy
    bluecutipy Posts: 35 Member
    I know exactly where you are coming from. life through me a ton of curveballs but I'm ready to get back on it again so if you would like let's be friends
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    Life is always going to be filled with little surprises; I guess it's the way we handle them that can make or break us. Focusing on your health is a sure thing if you let it be :smile:
  • Kwas260
    Kwas260 Posts: 11 Member
    I can absolutely relate!! That is exactly where I am now. I'm thinking of it as a "fresh start". I had lost 60 lb and gained 40 of it back after a few "curve balls". I need to find something other than "sugar therapy" when I'm stressed and worried.

    I would love to support anyone who needs a friend on this path...and could sure use some encouragement, too.
  • donnarn222
    donnarn222 Posts: 2 Member
    I too am trying to recommit to keeping my food logged & getting back to exercising, trying to lose 60lbs isn't easy especially if it's SO slow as it is for me. WIll try to encourage others & gain strength from those of you who have suceeded.
    Thanks :-)