What was your main downfall when it came to packing on the pounds?



  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    Clo747 wrote: »
    @Monklady123 Okay, totally off topic, but how cute is your dog?! That can be my next post. How cute is Monklady123's dog? Off the charts cute!

    Lol, thanks very much. We love her. In that photo she's dressed in a scarf that my daughter has wrapped around her head babushka style. The dog (Simba) is a sweetie to put up with all that. :)

  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    For me it was just being inactive and having too many sweets.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I can't think of a "main downfall." I think I just tend to graze too much and that combined with inactivity resulted in weight gain. When I'm riding my bicycle, I have less time to graze and more calories that I'm burning during the day.
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    Mindless eating infront of the TV and not exercising.
  • starlitwaters
    starlitwaters Posts: 18 Member
    Lack of portion control.

    Eating out of boredom. Instead of reading a book or playing a game or what have you when I was bored, I'd go into the kitchen and hunt down snacks.

    Also eating snacks people would bring into the office, just because they were there to be eaten.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    My mom oh My oh My! The women cooks soooooo effing good, while every neighbor was/is having dinner out or something; the women wont live the kitchen everrrr, everything so good homemade *.* and she takes her job so seriously.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    eating everything usually tubs of ice cream within days
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    Eating is my main downfall...that and food.

    Emotional eating, mindless snacking, and eating just to be eating. I like to eat, which is why I am here...to change the way I eat and why I eat.
  • shirleycatt
    shirleycatt Posts: 37 Member
    sweets before bed. I just loved a gluten free cookie (i have celiacs) or a trader joe gluten free cupcake. yummmm
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Major depression. I didn't want to do anything and I didn't want to prepare any meals so I ate a lot of crackers and chips and whatever I could order in like pizza, Chinese, pizza, Jimmy Johns, etc.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Eating more and moving less. Consuming 48+ ounces of Mountain Dew a day. Boredom eating. Never exercising.
  • kierasayshi
    kierasayshi Posts: 67 Member
    Clo747 wrote: »
    WINE! Oh dear, I really lent on the bottle in hard times. I thought I was making myself feel better, but it really did me no favours. And it also made believe I could eat whatever I want and stay the same weight. Wine, it turns out, is bad at math. :s

  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I just love to cook and to eat, I still love to cook and eat but now am mindful of ingredients and portion size. This site is a Godsend
  • daniyelle_
    daniyelle_ Posts: 79 Member
    Crisps, crisps and more crisps. (for those in America I think you call them chips/potato chips) holy crap I could literally just sit down and binge on a good 10+ packets of walkers crisps! On the start of my journey on May 15th 2014 I just woke up and completely gave them up. I've not had a single crisp since that day and I never plan on having them ever again in my lifetime!
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Before, I had a very distorted idea of portion sizes. For example, tonight's dinner was spaghetti with sausage and broccoli. When the oil, sauce and the main ingredients are factored in that came to 657 cals.

    The amounts I would have served before would probably be at least 2x that, easily more than 1/2 of my estimated calories needed for the day. Do that a few times a week....and the weight goes on.
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    Pepsi bread sugar sugar sugar
  • zira91
    zira91 Posts: 670 Member
    all those pastries and cheesecake.. lots of em in one go.. and fast food.. fufufufu
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Shoving everything into my mouth, because I thought I was an "ectomorph".
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Cheat days ... cheat weekends.

    I ate well during the week. I would lose weight during the week. And then I'd gain it all back over the weekend, and occasionally gain a little bit extra.

    That and the phenomenal ice creams while cycling through Germany a few years ago. :)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Running a baking business didn't help. Also, I'm a pretty good cook in general. Newsflash: you can get fat from 'good' food too, if you eat enough of it.