Irrational Fear of the Gym

I have a weird fear of going to the gym. I talk about it in my latest blog post. Check it out:

Does anyone have any stories about irrational fears and weight loss?


  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I can not relax at the gym. I feel like everyone is looking at me and that I am not in shape enough to be at a gym. I hate going and have been more consistent at home.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I have a lot of irrational fears!!!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I fear double freaking posts!
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
    Only at first. Once you go a few times its okay. Remember you have the ability to excel more than those around you.

    Nice way to try and get people to check your blog though..
  • countrygurl392000
    countrygurl392000 Posts: 2 Member
    I really don't like going to the gym by myself. In January, my husband started going with me. It has been a blast. We have been challenging each other and just having a blast spending time together. It's a lot easier to not notice how in shape everyone else is when you have a great workout buddy!
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    First the pic of that guy is awesomely nasty-haha. I am a personal trainer and I use to be more than 100 lbs over weight. So I do know what it is like to be heavy. It makes me sad when people feel like they have to be fit to go to the gym. The only think I am ever thinking about anyone at the gym is awesome-you are here!! You story was great and it sooo rings true. There are a couple people I stare at just because I want to know how their delts got that big or what they did to get that definition there. Great blog-thanks.
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    YES. this is very weird but i have an irrational fear of actually weighing myself and getting a number. like, im TERRIFIED of it. makes me feel sick.
    doesnt help with charting weight loss. At the moment i am just going on how my clothes fit and how fit i am. going to read your blog post now.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    i have many irrational fears... i think my biggest is failing to live a healthier lifestyle. I feel like i will only fail if i try so i just didnt try to avoid the hurt of being a failure...

    I am still working on this... i feel like i fail when i eat something unhealthy or i have a bad day (over cals or dont exercise) but i am learning that this is a long process and i will slip along the way but i am not failing... i am working towards a goal and there are obstacles in the way... when i dont try i am failing... so i am learning to keep trying and learn from my mistakes along the way...

    oh and i will NOT go to the gym because i have the same fear as you... maybe after i have lost a couple more lbs i will try to set foot in one...
  • hankhanna
    hankhanna Posts: 72 Member
    Nice way to try and get people to check your blog though..

    The more people that read the more support. The more support, the more success! Also I am a shameless self-promoter. Hopefully you can dig it. :)
  • hankhanna
    hankhanna Posts: 72 Member
    I am telling you guys, most people don't come to the gym to make fun of fat people. They go to the mall to do that. :)