Need some motivators!

katiepulcini Posts: 61 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi, I'm Katie. I have narcolepsy and depression, so I could never exercise much in the first place. Then I started taking Adderall (not sure if I spelled that right, apologies) and my sleepiness and depression subsided. BUT, Adderall increases your appetite and makes you sweat more, so now I'm eating more and don't want to exercise because of how much I sweat. So I'm kind of stuck. I've packed on some weight this past year and a half due to the Adderall, but there's no way I'm going off of that - I NEED it to stay awake. Yes, I've tried other things, but it's the only thing that actually keeps me up. (Without it, I will literally sleep all day, no matter where I am or what I need to be doing.) It's summer vacation and I really want to return to school in a couple months looking as great as I did 2 years ago. I need friends to talk to and inspire/motivate me. Friends to comment on my profile with little pep-talks or something, lmao. Even comments like 'would you rather exercise or be the fat friend?' are okay. Sometimes we all need little kicks in the rear, yaknow? :)


  • laurakelly6
    laurakelly6 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Katie! I think you've come to the right place! There's tons of time before school starts again and I think you can kick some serious butt in the meantime! You just need to believe in yourself and test your limits. You don't know what you are capable of until you push yourself. Eating healthy and getting a little exercise in everyday will go a long way! You can totally do it!! :)
  • katiepulcini
    katiepulcini Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks Laura! :smiley:
  • katiepulcini
    katiepulcini Posts: 61 Member
    Bumping this post to hopefully find more friends~
  • Cod2013
    Cod2013 Posts: 5 Member
    Added you! I deffo need pep talks now and again.
  • katiepulcini
    katiepulcini Posts: 61 Member
    Sweet! :smiley:
  • lynseys1990
    lynseys1990 Posts: 7 Member
    Go you Katie! This is the first step you've taken by even getting this app! You WILL be going back to school looking fab
  • katiepulcini
    katiepulcini Posts: 61 Member
    Damn right! :D No more hiding my thighs in jeans every day - Texas heat is a killer! Thanks for the motivation :)
  • kfitt1
    kfitt1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Katie, I also suffer from narcolepsy. I use to play sports year round in high school. I was always tired, but during my mid 20s I saw a huge increase in fatigue and got my diagnosis which was completely unexpected. It is hard some days to find that motivation, I completely understand. Having a buddy to hold you accountable is a great way to make sure you get that exercise in. Also, you don't sweat. You glisten. :) feel free to add me if you'd like
  • TanaWithunt
    TanaWithunt Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Katie! I am also a person with Narcolepsy. I am on Nuvigil, which kills my appetite, but have not until recently had regular access to groceries. N is rough especially on the exercise, since I often get tired while running or biking. I am trying out a low-carb diet as I have heard so much good about it for people like us. Fingers crossed!

    I am gonna friend you. We can keep each other motivated. Best of luck to you!
  • katiepulcini
    katiepulcini Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you two! :smile:
  • jbouton40
    jbouton40 Posts: 54 Member
    Sorry that sounds rough. Can you try to work out at home? Can you do high intensity for short burts. That really take the weight off.