They were right about breakfast.

KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
You know what, I read a post months ago about how breakfast sets up how you are going to eat all day. I read it, and the science of it all made sence. If I eat simple carbs for breakfast then my body will be craving that "sugar high" all day and I will more than likely crave easy simple carbs and snakcs all day. Well..... I thought about it and I do try to eat a healthy protein rich breakfast. But yesterday I decided to "treat" myself to some KIX. Yes, they are not horrible. Only 110 calories for over a cup. But I was hungry ALL DAY!~!~! it was insane. I ate until the last moment before I went to bed.

I dont know if it was a coinscidence or if it is the science of it all...... but if I eat Kix again it will be on the side of a hard boiled egg or full of fruit for a SNACK not a meal!~!


  • KaironAndTaviansMommy
    KaironAndTaviansMommy Posts: 68 Member
    WOW, I have never heard that, but it makes complete sense to me. Thank you very much for sharing that, I think I might have figured out why some days are better than others. I will definitely be trying to eat more protein rich breakfasts and lay off the carbs for breakfast more.... That is just insane. I would have NEVER thought about that! Well geez, I guess you really do learn something new everyday!

  • Quieas
    Quieas Posts: 23
    I definitely feel you!

    I only started on Monday but noticed that on that day, when I had a hard boiled egg rather than waffel, I was full all day and ended up not eating all of my Calories. And then yesterday, I didn't have time for the egg and just had a pair of waffels (not the American kind, but Belgian mini ones). I was SOOO ridiculously hungry all day and ended up going over my limit.

    We'll see how today goes! :D

    Good luck to you, KanCrav, with all your goals! :bigsmile:
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I notice the same thing myself. If I eat poorly for breakfast, I'm more likely to cave on junk all day. I noticed something else this morning, too. I was going to have celery with some PB2 (a low calorie peanut butter substitute) but then I decided I was going to do step aerobics in the morning so I should eat something more substantial. I ate quaker old fashioned oats and some strawberries and it managed to power me through my workout. I felt great. I ate well the rest of today, too. Usually I eat a small breakfast and I find that if I do a high intensity workout, my energy level drops significantly after about 10-15 minutes. I mean, obviously, food is your body's source of energy so it makes sense that fueling your body would push you through a workout but today I really noticed how true that is.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    YOU GOT IT GIRL!!! that's why my fave breakfast is a egg and cheese sandwhich on orowheat thins, and a banana!!! yum...protein!!
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I gave up cereal and milk for breakfast. I go for no sugar oatmeal with berries. Or egg whites scrambled with hot sauce, bacon and skinny bagel. Low carb for my Diabetes and full enough to keep me going!
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    absolutely. a high protein breakfast will not only kick start your metabolism for the day, it will fill you up and it is one of the secrets of good weight loss!