Physically not able to work out?



  • WayOui
    WayOui Posts: 9 Member
    You're welcome @tomatoey Was glad to help! Hope things get better once you've seen your physio! Never heard of PRP, but it sounds pretty interesting. :) Best of luck!
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Thanks @WayOui! Good luck with your studies :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    FitBeto wrote: »

    Get a good meal plan going, and even stretching or some kind of yoga or really light exercise is better than sitting around like a bump


    The OP said he was injured. You comment comes across as shaming. Exercise is not essential to weight loss.

    MDs just tell you not to do anything at all, most of the time. I don't know about yoga for OP, though, yeah :(

    Ok wait, you edited and now my reply doesn't make sense. Well, I feel that any activity (as long as it's safe) is better than none. Not for weight loss, but for general function and to stay sane. Being immobile is depressing for a lot of people. And most people can find something to do.

    This still doesn't justify the shaming statement (I know you didn't make it, but you responded to me. :) )

    I couldn't live wihtout exercise, but some people can't exercise or don't want to. The former is beyond a persn's control, the second is personal preference.
  • bkscott5
    bkscott5 Posts: 53 Member
    I have trouble with exercise, too. Yes, I can lose weight just by counting calories, but it's very hard and very slow. Then I found a diet designed for people with blood-sugar problems like me. Now the weight is coming off at a satisfactory rate (1-2 lbs per week) and my blood-sugar problems are getting better, too. Maybe there is a diet specifically designed for your particular problems. This doesn't mean that you should try anything that comes along. Make sure the diet is based on the best scientific principles available (not just anecdotes about how this person or that person lost weight) and takes into account your particular problems. If you can't find something like that, stick to a calorie deficit.

    This is interesting. I had heard that a VERY long time ago people were given insulin after meals because they believed that this would count against what they ate. So I wondered if in some small way that your sugar levels could help with weight loss. I eat sugar, can't exercise for several health issues but am trying to find just something to do. I agree that if you can get in a pool you might be able to just walk in the water since the water supports you. However depending on your pain issues even water under 90* can cause more pain. My dream would be to have a swim spa & the money to heat it warm enough for me to be able to get in it. I'm looking for something I can do laying in bed or sitting in the wheelchair just something. An ex of one problem are disk problems in my neck & low back & I have pain 24/7, when I try to do the neck stretches they taught you to do before working out to those dance tapes can trigger a muscle spasm &/or migraine just by turning you head side to side & back & forward. I would like to tray WayOui's way but not even sure what I can do to try this out. I say if we are just laying in bed all day that anything we can move is better than before. I've lost weight lowering my calories but there are no muscles. Not just my underarms wave on their own at this point. Do whatever you can & just be happy we are alive. Good luck.