Good Morning! Could You Look At My Breakfast For Today?

Hello there!

I just had a yummy breakfast that I think I want to continue every other morning. The only thing I would like to know before I do do that, is if it is a healthy breakfast.

I know I should add fruits... We're going to the store a the weekend! :smile:


  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    Its night here lol. It seems like an "OK" breakfast. It probably wont keep you full long however. High in fat and low in protein. I'd try to incorporate complex carbs (fiber-dense) and some more protein and cut back on the fat.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I would say add the fruit or even a small bowl of oatmeal and then make the eggs 1 egg plus 1 egg white- that will cut the fat somewhat, still keep the protein and the volume of food up :-)
  • Quieas
    Quieas Posts: 23
    Thank you both!

    I honestly didn't even pay attention to the fat part of the entry. I think instead of having 1 whole egg and 1 with only egg white, that I'll just eat the egg whites only! The bowl of oatmeal is a great idea as well, thank you for that!
  • Iam918
    Iam918 Posts: 118 Member
    The fat from the eggs are Good Fats and Good Fat will actually help keep you satiated. If anything drop the creamer (-4fat) as you really don't want to drink your calories if you can help it. You could add 1/4 - 1/2 cup egg whites if you need more volume which would add 5 - 10 more protein to the meal.
    Thank you both!

    I honestly didn't even pay attention to the fat part of the entry. I think instead of having 1 whole egg and 1 with only egg white, that I'll just eat the egg whites only! The bowl of oatmeal is a great idea as well, thank you for that!
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I think it would be fine if you ate that plus added a piece of fruit. I think the amount of protein and fat is ok. Fat provides satiety and makes you feels satisfied, so it's good to get some fat with every meal.