Need help with braces.

I just got braces on and I was wanting some ideas for diet type foods that aren't hard like apples n such.


  • LucyJones195
    LucyJones195 Posts: 21 Member
    edited June 2015
    I have worn braces myself and I have been an ortho dental nurse. You can cut the apples up and just chew them via your back teeth. You will get used to them. Drink plenty of fluids as a dry mouth will rub more and make sure you use protective dental wax at the first signs of soreness. And clean clean clean x. Good luck you will be very pleased with the results ;)
  • peterjens
    peterjens Posts: 235 Member
    I remember those days. You should be able to eat any food but it's probably painful to chew now because your teeth are moving and the nerves are getting used to the new position. Take some pain reliever (if you want). This feeling is temporary and occurs only after each new adjustment. I wish you well.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I had to wear mine as an adult for 18 months. I did not eat carrots, raw broccoli, croutons, hard rolls, pop corn, corn on the cob, . . .
    I could eat apples when they were cut up into little slices. More often I would buy unsweetened applesauce. Buy a good blender/food processor/Nutribullet. Almost anything can be added to a nutribullet with some water, including a slice of pizza. Meats can be made soft in a crock pot.
    For times when I was uncomfortable, I was eating scrambled eggs, beans, cooked veggies and fruits, hummus, cottage cheese and yogurt, tofu, fish, pasta, soups, bananas, avocados, meatballs, meat loaf, rice, quinoa, soft cooked chicken and other meats.
  • Paintman88
    Paintman88 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! I'm new to this community and ill take all of the advice.
  • greekyogurtandpuppies
    greekyogurtandpuppies Posts: 81 Member
    When I had braces I would always have frozen smoothies for dinner the day they were tightened. I used chia seeds, plain Greek yogurt, and frozen fruit :)