Hi guys!!!

I really need some tips on self motivation, and keep up a good clean eating diet when the rest of my family aren't on board... and the get up and go to work out!! I have gained about 20lbs this year and miserable, I need a good buddy to keep up with me and push me!!! H.E.L.P!!!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Here are a few ways I stay motivated:

    1) Having a deep-seated, solid "why". I would remember why I started this whole journey in the first place and how different things are this time around than in the past when I tried to "get healthy" simply to "lose weight". Having an emotional connection to my goal has been HUGE!

    WHY do I want to get this weight off? WHAT is going on in my life/has gone on in my life that has held me back from losing weight in the past. HOW will my life be different when I'm at my goal. WHO will it impact other than myself? How will it FEEL to be at my goal? What will happen if I DON'T take control of my health now?

    Really digging deep and having a strong emotional attachment to my goal was the #1 way I stay motivated to lose 100lbs. When you find that why, write it down and make it the first thing you think about every morning and keep it on a piece of paper to look at before every meal and every workout.

    2) Understanding that, when it comes to goal achievement, consistency trumps motivation every time. Motivation comes and goes constantly but I remind myself on days when I truly can't see the forest for the trees that as long as I stay consistent (consistent in my workouts and consistent in my eating) that my goals WILL happen. Even if they don't happen quicker than I'd like, as long as I stayed consistent in picking myself up when I get knocked down or even just going through the motions will compound over time and I won't regret it. Does that make sense?

    3) Create layers and layers of support and accountability. I check in to MULTIPLE places DAILY with not just my fitness but also my food. This includes MFP, several Facebook challenges that I run, my own Facebook page, like page, Instagram and even Twitter. Doing that ensures that if I DON'T check in, someone out there is going to ask what's going on. I also have several friends and my coach who check in on me if they don't hear from in a few days.

    As for the rest of your family not being on board, my best suggestion is to share your "why" with them. Oftentimes people aren't on board for a ton of reasons. And depending on who it is, it's oftentimes because they're afraid. Afraid you'll change and not care about them as you do now. Reassure them that you doing this is for the benefit of EVERYONE involved and just understand that it's not about YOU. If they're still not on board, that's what WE'RE here for!

    I hope that helps, feel free to friend me! :)
  • fourterrys
    fourterrys Posts: 90 Member
    Hi! I have dieted so many times and was good for a couple weeks- then fell off the wagon and gained it all back plus some each time. This time I have been losing weight since March and am down just over 25 lbs. :smiley: Every other time it was all about denial. This time I am making it about choices. I CHOOSE what I want to eat. Most times I make the right choice. Sometimes not. In the past I would have said- oh well- might as well just eat whatever I want now- and that was that. This time I am on this journey with what is the "right attitude" for me. I have finally realized that this is going to take a long time (75lbs total is my goal) I have to be realistic about what is sustainable for me. By logging EVRYTHING that I eat and drink it keeps me honest. I can have an over-calorie day, know it, and be better the next. One thing that makes this long journey easier for me is to make sure I save some calories for some wine or some snacks each day. Again- this is a CHOICE I make during the busy day so when I am relaxing at home I do not feel guilty and therefore can maintain my progress