Any ladies trying to lose weight to improve fertility?

Had a wake up call at my gynae this week ... hard but feeling more determined than ever! Any success stories to keep me going?


  • monkey_la_femme
    monkey_la_femme Posts: 20 Member
    Seconded. I had lost enough weight to start trying seriously but I wasn't prepared for what would happen when I came off the pill and have stacked it all back on plus another 5kg.

    Please, someone tell me this gets easier!
  • rachelfishman89
    rachelfishman89 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm right there with you. My chances of getting pregnant ate low unless I lose a ton of weight.
  • oldfashchic
    oldfashchic Posts: 34 Member
    I am in the same boat
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm a success story, I suppose.

    I wasn't getting my periods. I was Obese. I started losing weight and I started getting my periods, each one becoming more and more regular. I weigh daily and kept a record of my weights and pretty soon I could determine when I was ovulating by my weight fluctuations (water weight gain). I lost 57 lbs and on the first try got pregnant. Had my baby January 15th. I've since lost all my pregnancy weight (kept logging during pregnancy, just wasn't losing weight, obviously) and have continued on and lost an additional 5 lbs. Still have 35-40 to lose.

    So yes, I did it so I could have a second child and it worked out great for me.
  • raynedasie
    raynedasie Posts: 7 Member
    My kids are 15 years apart ! I was with my.daughter's dad for 15 years and only had one baby...I divorced him, lost weight, stopped smoking. Met my husband and now have a 1.5 yr old son.!
    Keep going ladies, it will happen for you !
  • chloelouisecushing
    chloelouisecushing Posts: 1 Member
    Hi im looking tO see what things people eat for best weight loss? I have pcos and i find it so difficult to loose any weight at all!
    Any help would be apreciated x
  • rachelfishman89
    rachelfishman89 Posts: 9 Member
    Fellow PCOSer here. I read that it's 10x harder for PCOS patients to lose weight... so let's put in 10x the effort!
  • discretekim
    discretekim Posts: 314 Member
    Me indirectly. I plan to try to conceive in 1-2 years. I want to be as healthy as possible then so it is easier. I've read ideal Bmi for fertility is 20-25. I'm just over 25 now. Hoping to get to 23 ish.
  • danielle_lynnae
    danielle_lynnae Posts: 1 Member
    I can definitely relate. I went to the GYN a few months ago and she told me that I'd have a hard time getting pregnant. Since I'm not getting periods, she recommended that I lose weight to regulate my periods. I'm been working out and eating healthy. So far, I've lost 10 lbs., but I have a lot more to lose. My future babies have been keeping me motivated. I hope you continue on your journey, and that you can get healthy enough to start a family ☺
  • littleolme87
    littleolme87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I also went to the doctor and was told I have PCOS and told to loose weight to help get pregnant naturally so my goal is to loose 60 lbs before I start trying to have kids to be In a more healthy weight range. I've been on the pill for over 10 year and my doctor said that I will be the most fertile the first month I am off the pill so that is my goal. :# It's so hard to loose weight but I am trying to go to the gym regularly and watch my diet
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi ladies! Has anyone read - Eat Clean Piss Glitter by Whitney Benjamin. I haven't read the book - the description/subject deals with infertility/nutrition/success. I will give a plug for I have used this site and bought numerous books for a fraction of the cost at amazon and Barnes & noble. Also check with your library.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I'm not in the same boat, but wanted to let you know that a friend of mine had to lose over 60 lbs before she got pregnant. She just announced her pregnancy last week and could not be happier. You can do it, glad to hear that you are determined!
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    I have PCOS and hypothyroid. I have struggled with my weight my whole life but I can tell you that it is possible. I am lucky that my body responds really well to exercise and when I exercise regularly and eat healthfully while watching my calories the weight does come off at a steady pace.

    I am getting married in November and at 39 yrs old we are planning to try and start a family right away. I know I need to lose weight before then to help regulate my hormones while off the pill and to have a healthier pregnancy. We can all do this together!

    An interesting tip, I have learned that I am sensitive to the hormones in dairy (commercial dairy cows are fed hormones to keep them constantly producing milk by fooling their bodies into thinking they're pregnant). I know I have had too much dairy when, even on the pill, I skip periods. When I go off dairy they start again. It's something to think about, perhaps you should talk with your doctors.
  • abteri
    abteri Posts: 2 Member
    so reassuring to hear I'm not on my own ! I knew for some time i had to lose weight to help pregnancy ... but for some reason once i heard the gynae say it ... it became more real and I can just hear her words again each time i'm offered a piece of chocolate!

    need to lose a massive 64 lbs .... have lost the first 2 ... still a long way to go!!

    have been counting calories this week and about to start going to a weekly zumba session next week. any other tips?
  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    I had two children and waited for a while to try for more. We tried for a 2012 baby and didn't succeed. I didn't really want a 2013 baby so we quit trying for a while. I thought I would try to get in better shape for a year and found MFP. I lost nearly 50 pounds in 6 months and ended up pregnant. That 2013 baby I didn't want is nearly two now and adorable!!

    Best of luck ladies!! It really helps to lose weight and have healthy habits for your pregnancy <3
  • Xo_c_e_b_xo
    Xo_c_e_b_xo Posts: 70 Member
    I'm not losing weight to help have a baby but it's definitely something I think
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
  • avs810
    avs810 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    I just thought I would post this Video concerning stevia as something for ya'll to be aware decide.