Ideas to help avoid late night snacking?

My hubby & I have been actively trying to lose weight for a little over a month. We've been doing pretty well (I'm down 15 lb, him 7lb) but late night snacking is our downfall. Any tips for resisting the urge to munch "just a little" before bed, or the middle of the night?


  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Would you be able to save 200 calories a day just for a late night snack? That's what I do and it's honestly been a sanity saver in my weight loss.
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    For me, late night snacking is something that subconsciously happens. I'm happily watching America's Got Talent, look down and wonder how that rice pudding got in my hand.

    I set a rule--nothing after 8 pm (due to work dinner is late). I made a sign that I hang on my fridge and pantry. One side says 'Open--what are you grabbing?' (another way to make me think before I reach) and the other side says 'We are Closed!'. I hung it right where my handles to my fridge and pantry are so I have to touch it to open it. Just that little bump from the sign causes me to stop and think before I open.

    My husband and I also hold each other accountable after 8 pm when the kitchen is closed. He's had a blast calling me out when I start to walk into the kitchen after it is closed...I haven't had to hold him accountable (yet).
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Yep, another vote for saving some. And plan the snack -- this will help you not go over budget. Evening is a time when we relax and often enjoy time with family members, so it's common to save extra calories for a bigger dinner or an evening snack, to make that easier.

    Another option is to give yourself a reason to skip. Like, are you saving some calories for a fun night out on the weekend? Then you're sort of trading that snack for being able to let loose a bit at the restaurant.

    Or just say, not tonight. Not "never again" but just not this time.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    Go to bed earlier?

    lol, just kidding, sort of. But, by nature I'm an early-to-bed-early-to-wake-up person so that isn't hard for me.

    My downfall was about an hour after dinner, as I would sit on my laptop just browsing around the internet, I'd pour a glass of wine and something salty and crunchy. And you know that anything salty and crunchy isn't particularly calorie-friendly. And we won't even discuss that wine. ugh.

    So now I brush my teeth right after dinner (we eat at around 7:00 or so). Then later if I get an urge to eat something I ask myself "are you really hungry?" The answer is always no because we just ate dinner not too long before. And since I've brushed my teeth I'm not likely to go eat.

    Also, I chew sugarless cinnamon gum. And sometimes I'll drink hot tea with a little bit of honey. For some reason i can drink tea with only a teeny amount of sweetener, but not coffee -- I need that to be creamy and sweet. lol

    Anyway, those are my strategies. No wine and chips, brush teeth, drink something (and not a beer, lol), and sugarless gum.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I have to eat something before bed or I will wake up at 3 AM hungry. I budget for it.
  • esyla
    esyla Posts: 15 Member
    Like Monklady123, brushing my teeth really helps curb any late night snacks. Mostly because I'm lazy and don't want to go through the effort of brushing them again if I eat something.

    Just grabbing a glass of water is probably the easiest thing you can do. If you're already up and in the kitchen, it's just as easy to grab the water as it is to grab a snack.
  • geministyle
    geministyle Posts: 30 Member
    I save 150 calories or so for the same snack every night. 1/2 cup of Fage 2% Greek yogurt topped with 1/2 cup berries. I eat this right before bed. The protein and fiber keep me full and I dont wake up ravenous.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I save a significant amount of calories for a snack every night because I love late night snacking. I have 4 young children so it's a relatively stress-free time for me and I like to sit down, relax, and actually enjoy my food. I've lost over 40 pounds eating 300ish calorie snacks at night before bed!
  • leahswilley
    leahswilley Posts: 2 Member
    I always crave something sweet at night. I was staying at a friends house and they had the gummy bear vitamin chews. I ate two of those and my craving was gone! Worked that time, but I'll have to buy some and see if it continues to work :)
  • MK24551
    MK24551 Posts: 174 Member
    I just went into the kitchen wanting something sweet n turned around n said "nope I'm going to bed"
    Sometime u just have to drink some water n go to bed lol :smile: ! Working for me at the moment
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Why avoid it? Eat when you're hungry. Rearrange calories accordingly. I don't even eat until the afternoon, anyway!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Why avoid it? Eat when you're hungry. Rearrange calories accordingly. I don't even eat until the afternoon, anyway!

    Yep, this.

    Eat a bit less in your daytime meals.

    Another tip would be to save dessert till just before bed.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I think what everyone else has been saying. Maybe set something aside earlier that you know will fit into your calories so that you won't go over your limit anyway. Your body doesn't know what time you're eating, so that bit doesn't matter. Having a cup of tea with it is nice too.
  • bkscott5
    bkscott5 Posts: 53 Member
    I too allow calories for snacks, too many at times, but i crave food and if I don't give in to the craving I usually end up eating way too much other stuff until I just eat what I craved. A churro or ice cream have been top choices for awhile now. I have a big problem if there is candy in the house that I know of, I will actually wake up in the middle of the night feeling the need to eat all the candy. I don't know why or how to stop that other than I can't have more candy in the house that I know of (family will hide it from me & this works) that was figured into my day.
  • XxStrengthInNumbersxX
    XxStrengthInNumbersxX Posts: 19 Member
    I used to have lots of trouble not snacking late at night while watching tv. I wasn't even hungry, I just needed to be eating. Now I always try to make sure my hands are busy. Usually I do this by going on my phone (exactly what I'm doing now).
    If you don't have a smart phone you could try knitting, drawing, going on the computer, doing crafty stuff or something like that to keep your hands busy and distract yourself from the food.
    I've found this to be a huge help and pretty much never eat at night anymore.
    Other strategies I use are: reminding myself how happy I'll be if I've lost weight in the morning, and going to a 24 hour gym so I can work out late at night instead of eating.
    Good luck!