Motivation buddies please

looking for people who are also looking to loose weight, tone up and maintain it. Please help me stay motivated


  • krystianbester
    krystianbester Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on the same boat!
  • wubstylene28
    wubstylene28 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm looking to lose 20lbs :)
  • mecaveman
    mecaveman Posts: 2 Member
    My go to is motivational videos! I love, "Out of the Ordinary (Dare Mighty Dreams)" . Worth the look up!
  • JimmyD2003
    JimmyD2003 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all, I have been on this site for almost a month now and I have been walking every night for about 28 min. I started around May 10th when I got on a scale and saw I was back over 200lbs. My goal is about 140-150 by Oct or at least a six pack by then. I am now at 184 I have lost about an inch or so sense my last measurement. I have done quite a bit of research and I have learned that it does not matter how much you lift weights, do sit ups or any of that your muscles will not show until you loose the cushion covering them so I have decided I want to have a beach boy body once again. Once I loose another 14 pounds I plan to keep walking and add strength training into my work out plan. Support is always a great thing to have on your side. I have another 34-44 pounds to go. I will help you all on your goals and give support where I can.
  • irishdancer214
    irishdancer214 Posts: 108 Member
    Rachelle I tried to send you a request but it won't load...if you'd like to be friends please send me a request!
  • CatrickDongahue14
    CatrickDongahue14 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm looking for the same! Add me at will if you'd like
  • samantha0131
    samantha0131 Posts: 29 Member
    Couldn't add you, but add me! I love motivating people
  • simply_bubbz
    simply_bubbz Posts: 245 Member
    I love to give and receive support and motivation!!! Add me guys the more the merrier!!
  • laraashburn
    laraashburn Posts: 1 Member
    I would love motivation and support
  • Aguilar910
    Aguilar910 Posts: 4 Member
    Same here! Add me and we can help each other out.
  • sweetiefluhr
    sweetiefluhr Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for friends..... Can't keep on track.
    A lot of stress in my life and looking for others that feel the same and need help with focus like I do
  • hannah_tuthill
    hannah_tuthill Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm looking for friends to for the lil motivation maybe stop me cheating so much :( literally gone from running 2 10ks a week n doing the ldnm bikini guide about a month ago now I injured myself in a run so visited the chiropractor two weeks ago to be told I've got no rotation in my left knee and I can't run or do weights till July and that's a might so I'm now swimming 3 times a week but I'm not a confident swimmer ergh! Now I'm finding it really hard to stay on track with the diet anyway that's an essays about myself! Xx
  • Cchioles
    Cchioles Posts: 276 Member
    Add Me !
  • kspenglermoore
    kspenglermoore Posts: 58 Member
    Okay, I have lost most of the weight (around 110lbs/50kg), but I'd still like to loose another 11lbs/5kg. I have pretty much maintained this weight now for 6 month.... But more motivation/inspiration is always good. I am living proof that after over 30 years of obesity it can be done. It is a worthy goal and not only on reality TV or miracle drug commercials!!!! .... Let's motivate, encourage and support each other!!!!
    I have realized, that (after loosing the weight) most "big" people think without knowing my history: you can not possibly know how hard/impossible loosing weight really is. I do have to say it is a though one with all that oh so good unhealthy food around us, skinny people in our lifes that seem to never gain a pound while eating tons, socities acceptance of " big is beautiful" (that view has changes very much in the last 20 years or so), the mental challenge (I have used food when I am depressed for most of my life), the busy life's we all juggle around and the general aversion to exercise(mine especially). In my mind the goal is not to be model thin, but to be healthy!!!!... I will gladly support anyone serious about loosing weight and maintaining!
  • Jennjenn453
    Jennjenn453 Posts: 12 Member
    Right there with ya!!